
Control methods of strawberry powdery mildew

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Control methods of strawberry powdery mildew

Strawberry powdery mildew is a very common disease in strawberry production, which generally causes strawberry yield reduction of 20%-30%, and may even cause harvest failure, which seriously affects strawberry planting efficiency. So how to control strawberry powdery mildew? Let's learn more about it together with Xiaobian.

1. Symptoms

Strawberry powdery mildew can occur in the whole growth period, mainly attacking strawberry leaves, flowers and fruits. The leaves are dark spots of different sizes at the initial stage of damage. With the passage of time, white powder will be produced on the leaf spots, and the later spots will become reddish brown. The leaf edges will gradually shrink and scorch. After the flower is infected, the petals may turn red, resulting in the flower bud not fully open, the young fruit cannot expand normally after the disease, dry and atrophy, the fruit will appear a layer of white hair after the disease, and the coloring will be uneven, seriously affecting the fruit quality and edible value.

2. Causes of disease

The pathogen usually completes the annual cycle of mycelium and conidia in the host generation by generation. The conidia spread by air flow, invaded from germ tube and haustoria, multiplied rapidly, and formed hyphae after one week, and then formed new conidia, and then spread by air flow. In the presence of pathogens, disease prevalence depends on temperature and humidity, in the range of 15-25 degrees, humidity higher than 80%, the disease spread faster, showing a low temperature and high humidity characteristics. In addition, when the basal fertilizer is insufficient, the soil is short of water, or the watering is too much, the nitrogen fertilizer is applied excessively, and the illumination is insufficient, it is also beneficial to the epidemic of diseases.

3. Prevention and control methods

Reasonable crop rotation can be adopted, which can reduce the pathogen base and reduce the occurrence of diseases. Varieties resistant to powdery mildew should be selected during planting. When fertilizing, it is necessary to apply fertilizer reasonably, do not apply nitrogen fertilizer, follow the principle of "dry rather than wet" watering, do small water irrigation frequently, do not flood irrigation, under the condition of not affecting the normal growth of strawberries, extend the ventilation time as much as possible, and reduce the humidity in the shed. When the disease occurs, the diseased plants should be pulled out in time, and brought out of the field for treatment, and then sprayed on the diseased points and surrounding areas with antibacterials to prevent further spread of the disease.

The above is the strawberry powdery mildew control method introduction, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.