
When will the calf be weaned?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, When will the calf be weaned?

The short science of calves can not only improve the growth rate and adaptability, but also reduce the lactation pressure of cows, so as to enter the next control cycle more quickly and improve the reproductive performance. So when should the calf be weaned? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. When will the calf be weaned

Early weaning or too late weaning is disadvantageous to the growth and development of calves. According to the time, it is most suitable for calves to start feeding forage at the age of three weeks. Within three weeks of age, its forestomach is very small, it does not have the ability to digest forage, and there is no feeding and ciliates, so it can only live on breast milk. Feeding fodder at this time will increase the burden of calves and cause disease. However, if weaning too late, the intestines and stomach can not get exercise, it will also lead to slow growth and development of the forestomach, resulting in a small volume, which will also affect the future growth and development. After three weeks of age, its forestomach increased rapidly, because of contact with food and water, microbes entered the forestomach, and then began to regurgitate. Feeding at this time can not only avoid causing disease, but also accelerate the development of forestomach, promote the reproduction of rumen microorganisms and ciliates, and increase digestive capacity.

2. Weaning method

Within 1-3 days after birth, calves should be fed full colostrum three times a day, four times a day and 3 kilograms of regular milk every day. To 8-15 days, feed four times tomorrow, regular milk 3-4 kilograms, from the tenth day to supplement the high-quality digestible concentrate or hay, add a little less every day, keep the feed fresh, train them to eat. After that, 0.1 kg of diet was added every other week or so. After 46 days, weaning was carried out and more than 1 kg of diet was supplemented at the same time.

3. Matters needing attention in weaning

Calves can not eat enough colostrum by themselves, so they need to be fed manually. If the calves are fed enough early for more than 12 hours, they will lose their effect. In the process of weaning, we must be free to eat clean, warm water, can not be cut off, weaning should be combined with actual and food intake, 40 days after birth, feed intake of 0.8 kg for three consecutive days can be weaned. It is important to note that weaning and refeeding can not be done in time at the same time, so as not to cause excessive stress and may cause calves to die.

The above is a good introduction to when the calf is weaned. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.