
How to make passion fruit blossom quickly

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to make passion fruit blossom quickly

Passion fruit is a very popular fruit in China in recent years. There is a large planting area in our country. When planting passion fruit, management is very important. In order to increase the yield of passion fruit and shorten the growth period, many fruit growers want to make passion fruit blossom too quickly. So how to make passion fruit blossom quickly? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Lighting control

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit, so the demand for light in the growth process is relatively large. If you want passion fruit to blossom quickly, you must provide enough light for passion fruit. Therefore, when we plant passion fruit, the planting plot should be sunny to ensure that the passion fruit plant can receive enough sunlight. The light exposure time of passion fruit should be kept at least 8 hours every day, and the appropriate light is very beneficial to the flower bud differentiation of passion fruit. However, the light should not be too strong, when the light is too strong, we should do a good job of shading.

2. Rational watering

Passion fruit needs a lot of water to blossom. If you want to improve the flowering rate of passion fruit and achieve the goal of rapid flowering, then watering is not lacking. When we are watering, we should control the watering frequency according to the seasonal changes, usually in spring and autumn, about twice a week. In summer, because the temperature is high, the rate of water evaporation is relatively fast, so it should be watered once a day. In addition to maintaining soil water content, it is also necessary to spray water to the leaves to improve air humidity. On the contrary, in the cold winter, water can be watered once a week or so.

3. Temperature management

As I just said, passion fruit is a tropical fruit, so the temperature requirement of passion fruit is relatively high. Passion fruit likes to grow in a warm environment, its cold tolerance is relatively poor, so it will not blossom in winter. After entering the flowering stage, the temperature of passion fruit should be controlled at about 18-30 degrees. The appropriate temperature is very beneficial to the growth, flowering and fruiting of passion fruit. But the temperature should not be too much, especially in summer, if the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, then the temperature should not be lower than zero in winter, and the corresponding cooling and heat preservation should be done with the change of seasons to ensure the normal growth of passion fruit.

4. Timely fertilization

Passion fruit has a great demand for nutrition in the process of growth. Especially after flowering, because flowering will have a greater demand for nutrition. Therefore, we should pay attention to fertilizing during the flowering period, so that the plants have sufficient nutrition, improve the flowering rate and speed up the flowering speed. And in the early stage of passion fruit growth, it is best to apply manure fertilizer once a month. However, we should pay attention to control the amount of fertilizer, do not fertilize too much, to avoid fertilizer damage.

The above is a brief introduction to how to make passion fruit blossom quickly. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.