
Reasons for Winter Wheat Flourishing

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Reasons for Winter Wheat Flourishing

Now the temperature is getting colder and colder, and it is gradually entering winter. And the planting of winter wheat is getting busier and busier. Now in many areas, winter wheat has basically been sown. After the winter wheat seedlings are unearthed, we should pay attention to doing a good job of management. Otherwise, winter wheat is prone to flourish and grow. So what are the reasons for the prosperity of winter wheat? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Improper varieties

When planting winter wheat, the selection of varieties is very important. If the planting varieties are spring or weak spring varieties, then the sowing time should not be too early, if sowing too early, then wheat is very easy to grow before winter. And this kind of wheat field is also the most vulnerable to freezing damage in winter. For this situation, we should pay attention to early hoe ploughing and suppression, and we can also cover the soil around the wheat plants to protect the roots to ensure that the wheat seedlings are safe and ready to move.

2. Sow too much seed

When sowing, many friends do not control the sowing amount according to the factors such as soil fertility, variety, yield and so on. As a result, the sowing rate is increased without restriction, resulting in small growth space and crowding each other after the seedlings are unearthed, which affects the growth and development of wheat seedlings. There is little or no tillering. In this case, we should sparse the wheat seedlings in time after they are unearthed. Change the population structure in the wheat field, and then according to individual development, combined with watering work, apply an appropriate amount of nitrogen and phosphorus quick-acting fertilizer, etc., to supplement the excessive consumption of soil nutrients due to excessive sowing.

3. Excessive fertilizer and water

In the soil with high fertilizer and high water, wheat grows because of sufficient fertilizer and water, and if the temperature is well controlled, then there are many tillers. The growth rate of wheat seedlings will also be very fast, and the leaf area will be relatively large. The seedlings in the field were shielded from each other, which led to the closeness of the wheat field and the yellowing of the lower leaves because of the lack of sufficient light. And the above ground part will grow because of too much fat and water. Therefore, in our management, we should pay attention to the work of cutting roots by ploughing. When the main stem of wheat seedlings grows to about 7 leaves, we should hoe about 6 cm deep between wheat rows, cut off part of the roots, avoid excessive absorption of nutrients, reduce the amount of tillers, and cultivate strong seedlings.

4. Sowing prematurely

If winter wheat is sown too early, the leaves of the seedlings will become very narrow and there will be insufficient tillers. And the main stem and tiller will enter the two-edge stage before winter, with the characteristics of first prosperous and then weak. If it is five degrees below zero and lasts for five hours, it is extremely vulnerable to frost injury. Therefore, we should pay attention to the suppression work, so as to inhibit the growth of the main stem and large tillers, and avoid the phenomenon of overgrowth. During the crackdown, we should pay attention to sunny days, and after the crackdown, we should draw a hoe and water properly to ensure the growth of seedlings.

The above is a brief introduction to the reasons for the prosperity of winter wheat. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.