
What should be paid attention to in newly dug fish ponds?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What should be paid attention to in newly dug fish ponds?

Fish farming has also become a hot industry, and many farmers have this idea. However, there are very few old fish ponds in rural areas now, and basically they have to dig new fish ponds by themselves. So can a new fish pond be put directly to use? Let's find out what to pay attention to in the newly dug fish pond.

1. Clean up residual fish eggs

The first element of digging fish ponds is that the water source must be abundant. Without water, fish cannot be raised basically. Many fish farmers may not know that some fish eggs are relatively tenacious. When you start to raise fish directly in your newly dug fish pond, some other fry may be bred subsequently. These fish have not been safely treated and are likely to carry infectious bacteria, affecting the later breeding income. Therefore, newly dug fish ponds need to be dried first, then drained, and circulated twice or so to clean up residual eggs.

2. Check whether there is water leakage

Pond leakage inspection is very important, such as fish only found leakage, then to deal with it will be a lot of trouble. New fish ponds are the most prone to leakage, because now they are all excavated by machines, and the cracks accidentally dug cannot be seen. Check whether the leakage is to fill the pond with water, and then look at the degree of water loss, if there is no obvious change in the water surface for 1 to 3 days, it basically proves that there is no leakage.

3. Disinfection

The newly dug pond was not clear whether it was sanitary or not, but disinfection had to be done to be on the safe side. When we disinfect, we generally use quicklime, bleaching powder and the like, mainly for the internal splashing of the pond. In fact, this approach is not comprehensive enough, because the new pond may also hide pathogens around, it is best to properly disinfect the surrounding. Deep water put more disinfectant, shallow water put less, mainly to splash in place.

4. Management of water quality

Follow-up pond drinking water must pay attention to the water quality, fish farming for water quality requirements are very high, many places of fish farmers are in the water pollution above eat a big loss. Therefore, the newly dug pond should try its best to make some efforts in water quality management. Don't let the polluted water flow into the new pond, otherwise the previous work will be done in vain. It is best to have a section of purification space between the water source and the pond, so that more protection.

The above are some things that need to be done for the newly dug fish pond. As long as these work is done well in the early stage, the follow-up hygiene and safety will be greatly guaranteed. When digging fish ponds, you should think about things like drainage channels first, so that it is convenient to operate.