
Points for attention in the storage of Chinese cabbage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Points for attention in the storage of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is a very common leafy vegetable in our daily life. It is also very popular in our country and is cultivated everywhere. Chinese cabbage growth capacity is relatively strong, yield is also relatively high. After harvest, if not all of them can be listed in time, then in order to avoid Chinese cabbage rot, we need to do a good job of storage. So what do you need to pay attention to when storing Chinese cabbage? Let's take a look at the precautions for Chinese cabbage storage together with Xiaobian!

1. Cellar storage

Cellar storage is one of the most commonly used methods for storing agricultural products in China. Many farmers still have cellars in their homes, and the temperature of cellars is relatively stable throughout the year, generally around 7-9 degrees. This temperature is very suitable for the storage of Chinese cabbage, and the humidity in the cellar is also suitable. As long as the sterilization is reasonable, the storage time of Chinese cabbage can reach about three months, which is more suitable for Chinese cabbage storage in winter.

2. Cave storage

As with cellars, cellars are not built very well in some mountainous villages because of the terrain. Therefore, a sweet potato hole will be dug in the mountain, and the position of the sweet potato hole is generally on the back of the mountain. Sweet potato holes can be dozens of square meters if they are relatively large, and smaller ones can also put a few kilograms of Chinese cabbage. Its function is similar to the cellar, the temperature and humidity can also be similar, very suitable for storing cabbage that needs winter, and it is convenient to enter and exit, and it is widely used in rural areas.

3, storage precautions

When Chinese cabbage is stored in winter, the temperature should be controlled in the range of minus one degree to one degree, and the air humidity should be maintained at about 88%. In the same humidity environment, if the temperature in the storage space is higher, then the loss of cabbage will be greater. Therefore, during storage, attention should be paid to maintaining a low temperature environment. In the same temperature environment, humidity is too high, although it can reduce water loss, but there will be more serious peeling and decay phenomenon. Therefore, we should not only pay attention to temperature regulation, but also pay attention to maintaining humidity.

The loss of Chinese cabbage during storage is mainly due to detachment in the early stage, and it is the cause of decay in the middle and late stages. The main reasons for Chinese cabbage defoliation are high temperature and humidity, or excessive sunning, which leads to wilting of Chinese cabbage tissue and defoliation of petiole base. In the middle and late stages of storage, the temperature is too low. If it is not properly managed, it will cause Chinese cabbage to be frozen and rot. In addition to the above storage methods, Chinese cabbage can be stored in furrows, stacks and deep burial in situ. According to market demand, we can use appropriate methods for storage.

The above is a brief introduction to the precautions for Chinese cabbage storage. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!