
The purpose and function of flower shaping and pruning in courtyard

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The purpose and function of flower shaping and pruning in courtyard

1. The purpose of plastic surgery and pruning

The ornamental value of flowers should be reflected by form, the amount of flowering and fruiting should be cultivated by crown structure, and the renewal and rejuvenation of aging plants should be made up by new branches, which need to be adjusted and solved by shaping and pruning. Therefore, the main points of H in shaping and pruning are:

(1) to control the mass growth of flowers, the cultivation of ornamental flowers is often limited by the environment or purpose, so the body should not be too large. For example, in buildings, rockery, leaky windows and poolside landscaping, the plant height or crown width must be controlled in order to coordinate with the environment. For flowers planted on roofs and balconies, due to shallow soil, small containers and narrow space, the plant size should be controlled within a certain volume range. Ornamental flowers cultivated in indoor gardens in hotels and restaurants also need to be dried and shrunk to limit body children. In addition to the selection of varieties should be considered, it is usually solved by shaping and pruning.

(2) to promote the flowering and fruiting of flowers and plants, it is necessary to promote young flowers and trees to enter the flowering and fruiting stage as soon as possible, and the flowers and trees that have entered the flowering stage must be shaped and pruned reasonably and scientifically. In addition, the purpose of controlling florescence and adjusting fruit quantity can be achieved by pruning.

(3) after inducing the regeneration and rejuvenation of senescent plants, a large number of peripheral branches withered and the crown appeared empty; the backbone branches were incomplete, resulting in irregular crown; the number of flowers and fruits decreased sharply, and the ornamental charm did not exist. At this time, the pruning method can be used to stimulate the hidden bud germination in the cortex of the branches to form stout and young branches, fill in the gaps, reproduce the heroic posture, and achieve the goal of restoring the tree potential and renewing and rejuvenating.

(4) improving light transmission conditions and improving stress resistance the vigorous growth of green and strong trees will often cause excessive depression of branches and leaves, lack of light in the canopy, poor ventilation, and easy to induce diseases and insect pests. Through pruning and proper thinning, we can increase the ventilation and transmittance of the inner chamber of the crown, make the branches grow stout, reduce the relative humidity in the crown, improve the stress resistance of plants, and reduce the occurrence rate of diseases and insect pests. In the typhoon prone area K, shaping and pruning can change the plant shape and reduce the branches to reduce the wind pressure and prevent the broken branches from drying.

(5) controlling the growth direction of branches and beautifying the cultivation of ornamental flowers and trees often require a variety of artistic shapes to reflect the ideas of ornamental design, such as water-facing, hanging, tower and various geometric patterns, animal patterns and so on. Street trees, forest shade trees and landscape trees often conflict with spatial lines, pipes and buildings when they extend to the periphery, which should be coordinated and dealt with through shaping and pruning.

two。 The mechanism of shaping and pruning

Plastic pruning can adjust the structure of population and individual parts, improve the conditions of light energy utilization, regulate the quantity, quality and rhythm of organ formation, coordinate the contradiction between growth and fruit, senescence and rejuvenation, and the balance between plant parts and organs.

The main results are as follows: (1) the double effects of pruning on plant growth are mainly all kinds of branches, but the scope of influence is not limited to the pruned branches themselves, but also in the overall growth of the plant. From the point of view of the whole plant, it has both promoting and inhibitory function.

The local promoting effect of ①: because the number of branches and buds was reduced after pruning, the distribution relationship between nutrition and water was changed, and the branches and buds left by the supply of nutrient aggregates grew. At the same time, pruning changed the light and ventilation conditions of the crown, improved the photosynthetic efficiency of leaves, and improved the nutrition level of local branches and buds, thus strengthening the local growth potential. The promoting effect is related to the tree potential, the degree of pruning and the quality of cut buds. The younger the plant age, the greater the local promoting effect of pruning. In the same tree potential, the promoting effect of light shearing is obvious. In the case of F with the best quality of n buds, the effect of short shears on promoting growth was more obvious. in general, the growth of the first bud was the most prosperous, and the growth potential of the second and third buds decreased in turn. Thinning only enhances the growth potential of the branches below the cut mouth, while weakens the growth potential of the branches above the cut mouth.

Pruning should be based on the specific tree and branch strength to determine the strength of cutting bud interception, generally leaving strong buds, can produce sturdy long branches; cutting mouth leaving weak buds, its branches are weak; dormant buds can also branch after stimulation.

The mechanism of renewal and rejuvenation of senile plants by heavy pruning is to prune and remove a large number of branches and buds, or even part of the trunk, so that nutrients can be concentrated to supply dormant buds and left shoots, and under good fertilizer and water conditions, it can also stimulate the root to produce new roots. improve the bovine activity of the plant, so as to promote the germination and growth of plant branches and achieve the purpose of renewal and rejuvenation. This kind of renewal and rejuvenation effect is often not obvious in the first year, but it is only in the second and third year that it is very prominent.

② inhibition: after pruning, the crown shrinks relatively, the leaf quantity and leaf area decrease, and the carbohydrate produced by photosynthesis decreases accordingly; at the same time, the wound caused by pruning also consumes certain nutrients during healing. Therefore, pruning reduces the total nutrition level and the total growth of the plant. The size of inhibition is related to the weight of pruning and plant age, young, vigorous and light pruning, the inhibition is small; on the contrary, older plant age, growth decline, heavy pruning, the inhibition is large, often need more time than LC to restore its growth potential, so plant pruning should be moderate, in general, the inhibition of pruning is the most obvious in the first year, with the growth of branches and leaves, the inhibition is gradually removed.

Aboveground pruning also has a dual effect on root growth. When the aboveground growth is too prosperous, pruning can ease the competition with root nutrients and water, and promote the growth and development of roots. When the aboveground pruning is overweight, the distribution center of nutrients turns to the branches and leaves to strengthen the nail. The growth potential of branches prolongs the growth time, so that the growth can not end in time at the end of autumn. Early spring and late autumn are important root growth periods, heavy cutting reduces the nutrition level of the whole plant, and the nutrients obtained from the roots are also reduced accordingly, so the growth potential of the root system is weakened and the root growth is greatly reduced.

Pruning should be comprehensively considered, according to the specific plant conditions and cultivation needs, to decide whether to promote or inhibit.

(2) the effect of pruning on flowering and fruiting pruning can regulate the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth. Vegetative growth is the basis of flowering, and only under the premise of good vegetative growth can the plant blossom and bear fruit normally. However, if the vegetative growth is too prosperous, the nutrient consumption is too much and the accumulation is too little, it will be difficult to bloom; if the flowering is too much, the nutrient consumption is too large, and the vegetative growth will be inhibited, which will lead to plant premature senescence. Reasonable pruning can regulate the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth. After pruning, the number of branches and buds decreased, so that the nutrition was relatively concentrated on the remaining branches, which made the new shoots grow full and sprouted more lateral branches.

Branches with different growth intensity should be pruned to different degrees. The weak branches in the crown should be re-pruned to promote vegetative growth due to lack of light and poor nutrition level in the branches. The middle and long branches with exuberant growth and high nutrition level in the periphery of the crown should be cut lightly to promote a large number of medium and short flower branches.

At the same time, the sprouting ability and branch forming ability of different plant branches are different, and the pruning methods should be different. Generally speaking, flower shrubs with more branches and buds grow more slowly and flower buds differentiate more easily than plants with fewer growth points, so heavy pruning is usually carried out in production for varieties with sprouting ability, such as choke flower, June snow, rose, tang, etc., and varieties with strong branching ability, which can promote more flower branches and increase the amount of flowers. For some plants with weak sprouting or branching ability, they can not be easily pruned. A small number of shoot growth points is not conducive to lateral bud germination and branch formation, nor is it beneficial to flowering.

(3) the effect of pruning on regulating the nutritional status of flowers; pruning has a corresponding effect on the absorption, manufacture, accumulation, consumption, operation, distribution and interrelationship of various nutrients of flowers. The main results are as follows: first, adjust the leaf area of the tree, change the light conditions, affect the photosynthetic production, thus changing the nutrition production and the level of Fructus Aurantii. The second is to adjust the balance between aboveground and underground parts, affecting the growth of roots, thus affecting the absorption of inorganic plants and the distribution of organic nutrients. The third is to regulate the number, proportion and type of vegetative and reproductive organs, thus affecting the nutritional accumulation and metabolism of plants. The fourth is to control ineffective branches and leaves and adjust the number of flowers and fruits to reduce the ineffective consumption of nutrition. Fifth, transfer? Branch angle, number of organs, transport pathway, growth center, etc., directional movement and distribution of nutrients.

The results showed that after aboveground pruning, the nitrogen content in shoots and shoots near the cutting mouth could be increased and the content of carbohydrates could be reduced during the shoot emergence period. The results of the pruning experiment of evergreen flowers showed that pruning could increase the content of nitrogen compounds in the tree, especially for the biennial branches near the shearing mouth, it could strengthen its nitrogen metabolism, improve the nutrition level of branches and promote the accumulation of starch in leaves. However, alcohol-soluble sugars were mostly lower than the control in the biennial spring and autumn shoots, and decreased again in the mature stage. This shows that pruning promotes the accumulation, transformation and transportation of carbohydrates and enhances the supply of new tissues (shoots, flowers and fruits).

Due to the decrease of transpiration area, the water content of tree increased and the cell sap concentration decreased due to aboveground pruning. Pruning not only affects the changes of water, carbon and nitrogen in shoot leaves, cell sap concentration and transpiration intensity, but also affects the content of chlorophyll, strongly affects the respiration and oxidation process, and increases the activity of catalase, thus promoting photosynthesis, respiration and other metabolic processes, and promoting plant growth and development.

In a word, pruning is to adjust the quality and orientation of branches and buds by changing the number and type of organs, making use of and changing the advantages of branches (tip advantage, vertical advantage), so as to adjust the operation and distribution of tree nutrition. However, its regulation also has some limitations, so it can not replace the basic management measures such as soil, fertilizer and water, but can only cooperate with it to achieve the perfect cultivation effect.

In addition, it must be made clear that no matter which pruning method is used, it will produce a variety of effects, some of which are beneficial to the cultivation of coffin plants, while some are disadvantageous. Therefore, consideration must be given to pruning to minimize the adverse effects of pruning. For example, young plant pruning can form a good plant shape, which is beneficial to early fruit, but pruning is bound to remove some branches and leaves, cause wounds and inhibit the growth of the whole plant. Therefore, under the premise of reasonable shaping, light pruning of young plants is better.