
Causes of rigid seedlings of rubber trees and their solutions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes of rigid seedlings of rubber trees and their solutions

Rubber tree is a relatively easy to raise plants, its leaves are darker and grow bigger, many people like to breed it, but if it is not cultured properly, it is easy to appear rigid seedlings, resulting in rubber trees do not grow. So what is the cause of the stiff seedlings of rubber trees? Let's take a look.

1. Discomfort in basin soil

It is very likely that the rigid seedlings of rubber trees are due to problems in the basin soil. if caking occurs in the basin soil, stagnant water in the soil or insufficient water content in the soil, the growth and development of the main stem of rubber trees will be delayed and the phenomenon of rigid seedlings will appear.

Solution: if there is a problem with the basin soil, it is necessary to replace the basin soil, dig out the main stem, cut off part of the old root and rotten root, and then change the soil to plant after disinfection and sterilization. It is best to choose the cultivation soil mixed with humus soil and river sand, pour water once after replanting, and apply some rooting solution, which is beneficial to the renewal of rhizome and continue to grow and develop after restoration.

2. Lack of fertilizer

In the process of breeding, due to long-term lack of nutrients, resulting in re-nutrition deficiency of the main stem, that is, lack of fertilizer, there will also be the phenomenon of rigid seedlings.

Solution: at this time, nutrients must be filled in time, and then the frequency and amount of fertilizer should be increased. Rubber tree is one of the foliage plants. If you want to have more leaves and branches to grow sturdily, then fertilization should be based on nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by other fertilizers. Generally, the frequency of fertilization should be about 2-3 times per month, and it is recommended to dilute it with water so as not to hurt the roots.

3. Lack of light

The growth and development of plants are inseparable from the sun, and the same is true of rubber trees. If they are cultured in a dark environment for a long time, the light is not sufficient, the photosynthesis of leaves is blocked, and the root system grows poorly, and the phenomenon of rigid seedlings will also appear.

Solution: when raising rubber trees, they must be placed in areas with plenty of light so that they can receive enough light so that they can grow strong. Rubber tree itself is a kind of sun-loving plant, it is very sun-resistant, it must be placed in areas with plenty of light all the year round, and it can accept the city of full sunshine. If there is enough light, its root system is more developed and the rate of absorbing nutrients will be accelerated. Only in this way can it grow luxuriantly.

The above is the introduction of the causes and solutions of rubber tree seedlings. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.