
Causes of immunization failure in pig farms and prevention measures

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Causes of immunization failure in pig farms and prevention measures

With the development of large-scale and intensive breeding, pig farm immunization has become the most important link in the process of raising pigs, but due to various reasons, pig farm immunization failure occurs from time to time. So what is the cause? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Vaccine causes

First of all, the quality of the vaccine is not up to standard, it is not produced by regular biological manufacturers, and its active ingredients are not up to standard or have expired, which will lead to immune failure. In addition, most vaccines are cryopreserved or transported in a cold chain, and if they are frozen and thawed several times, the immune effect of the vaccine will be reduced.

2. Human reasons

In the process of immunization, operators irrationally vaccinate two or more vaccines at the same time, which will affect each other and reduce the ability of antibody response, resulting in immune failure. Insufficient immune dose or inadequate approach, improper dose will also lead to immune failure, such as oral vaccination or nasal drip, while oral vaccine can not be injected, misoperation will lead to immune failure.

3. the cause of the pig itself

The response of pigs to the vaccine is controlled by heredity to a certain extent, and different breeds and different individuals have different responses to the same vaccine. For example, the innate or acquired immune organs of pigs are imperfect, which will lead to immune failure. In addition, after immunization, sows can transmit maternal antibodies to piglets through milk, so that piglets are passively immunized, but when maternal antibodies are high, they can not eliminate the invasive pathogen and kill the vaccinated vaccine. Piglets that have not eaten colostrum have low initial immunoglobulins, but when they exceed colostrum, immunoglobulins rise abruptly, and when they are vaccinated with attenuated vaccines, they are easy to be disturbed, resulting in immune failure.

4. Prevention and control measures

First of all, it is necessary to strengthen feeding and management, do a good job in the ventilation and prevention of cold and heat in pig houses, keep the environment of pig houses clean and hygienic, do a good job of regular disinfection, and strictly prohibit the use of moldy feed during feeding. effectively prevent the pollution of feed and drinking water by harmful substances such as mycotoxins, heavy metals and pesticides. Then is to do a good job of vaccine gatekeeper, must buy a guaranteed manufacturer of vaccine, transportation and storage should be carried out in accordance with the requirements. When vaccinating, it is necessary to formulate scientific immunization procedures and consider all aspects to achieve targeted immunization.

The above is the introduction of the causes and prevention measures of immunization failure in pig farms. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.