
Benefits of applying foliar Fertilizer to Lycium barbarum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Benefits of applying foliar Fertilizer to Lycium barbarum

As a recognized "health-preserving" medicine, Chinese wolfberry is very popular in our country. Now the planting area of Chinese wolfberry in China is also very large, when planting Chinese wolfberry, watering and fertilization and other work is very important. In fertilization, we should not only apply fertilizer in the root, but also the foliar topdressing outside the root should not be ignored. So what are the benefits of applying foliar fertilizer to Chinese wolfberry? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Easy to use

When topdressing foliar fertilizer, the application method is much simpler than traditional fertilization. Foliar fertilizer can be sprayed directly with water, which is more convenient than soil application. Foliar fertilizer is mainly composed of urea and other substances, while urea solution sprays the crown for about 10 minutes at a temperature of about 25 degrees. The nitrogen element can be fully absorbed by leaf stomata, which can effectively improve the absorption and utilization of foliar fertilizer. Mesophyll can also meet sufficient absorption, and the absorption rate of nutrients is much faster than that of soil application.

2. High utilization rate

In the traditional soil fertilization methods, the utilization rate of fertilizer has not been dealt with well. And foliar topdressing can be effectively solved when spraying foliar fertilizer such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate or urea. After about an hour of testing, it can be found that the utilization rate of potassium in potassium dihydrogen phosphate can reach more than 75%, and the absorption duration can last about two hours. However, if the traditional soil fertilization method is used, the utilization rate is only about 35%.

3. Supplement nutrition

Reasonable topdressing foliar fertilizer can supplement the lack of trace elements for Lycium barbarum plants. Especially when Chinese wolfberry plants are affected by natural disasters or insect pests, spraying foliar fertilizer can make up for the loss of nutrition in time. In every spring, because of the limited nutrients of the soil, the growth and nutrition of Chinese wolfberry is insufficient, so urea can be sprayed properly to ensure the normal growth of Chinese wolfberry. And spraying foliar fertilizer can achieve the purpose of assisting fruit setting and slowing down the drop of flowers and fruits during the peak growth period of Chinese wolfberry in summer, and it can also improve the safe overwintering rate of Chinese wolfberry plants when the temperature is low in autumn.

4. Meet the nutritional needs

Chinese wolfberry has a great demand for nutrition in the process of growth. Especially in the early and late growth, because Chinese wolfberry in the early and late growth, will be affected by temperature, environment and other factors. The absorption of roots may not be able to meet the nutritional needs of Chinese wolfberry growth, so we should pay attention to the proper spraying of foliar fertilizer. It can not only enhance the tree potential of Chinese wolfberry plant, but also improve the yield and fruit quality of Chinese wolfberry. However, it should be noted that foliar fertilizer can not completely replace soil fertilization, to spray combined in order to ensure the normal growth of Chinese wolfberry.

The above is a brief introduction to the benefits of applying foliar fertilizer to Chinese wolfberry. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.