
Key points of Management in Seedling stage of Virgin Fruit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of Management in Seedling stage of Virgin Fruit

Virgin fruit, also known as millennium fruit, tastes similar to tomatoes and can be used as both fried vegetables and raw food. The nutritional value of virgin fruit is relatively high and is welcomed by many people. Therefore, now the planting area of virgin fruit is also relatively large, when planting virgin fruit, we should do a good job of management according to the growth period of virgin fruit. So how to manage the virgin fruit in the nursery stage? Let's take a look at it.

1. Temperature management

When the virgin fruit is in the seedling stage, the temperature control is very critical, it should be controlled at about 28 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is about 10 degrees. The lowest temperature at night should not be lower than 13 degrees. Then, during the period from full seedling to seedling division, the temperature is kept at about 22 degrees. Then, after dividing the seedlings, the temperature will rise back to 28 degrees. In the whole seedling stage, the temperature should be adjusted according to the growth of the seedlings. Controlling the temperature is very important for the growth of virgin fruit, so we must pay more attention to it.

2. Keep a lookout for disease prevention

Before the virgin fruit is fully planted, it is necessary to provide it with a high temperature environment to promote the emergence of the virgin fruit as soon as possible. After the cotyledons of the seedlings are unfolded, the temperature should be cooled properly, mainly by letting out the wind. The temperature is about 20 degrees during the day and 11 degrees at night. After the seedlings grow true leaves, reduce the ventilation rate, and then pay attention to increase the light time and promote the growth of cotyledons. After the virgin fruit grows two true leaves and one heart leaf, it is necessary to properly spray chlorothalonil or mancozeb to do a good job of disease prevention.

3. Rational fertilization

In the virgin fruit nursery stage, the demand for nutrition is relatively large. Therefore, in the seedling period, we should also pay attention to do a good job of fertilization. Reasonable fertilization should be applied according to the growth of virgin seedlings to provide adequate nutrition for seedlings and promote the growth of seedlings. When the virgin fruit seedlings grow to about 3 leaves, the seedling fertilizer should be applied properly, about 3 times. Fertilizers should be mainly compound fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, not just fertilizers, but should be combined with watering to avoid burning seedlings due to excessive heat of fertilizer.

4. Timely seedling refinement

If the virgin fruit is cultivated and planted in the open field, it will be threatened by freezing injury. Therefore, we should pay attention to do a good job of seedling refining before planting. When refining seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings can withstand a low temperature of minus two degrees to one degree. When refining seedlings, gradually remove the grass, and slowly remove the mulch at night. Let the seedlings undergo the test of low temperature in the open field, and in the later stage of seedling refining, attention should be paid to reducing the amount of water properly. Because a slightly dry environment can also play a role in refining seedlings.

The above is a brief introduction to the main points of management in the seedling stage of Virgin Fruit. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.