
Korean food prices fell earlier than expected! The number of local super seeds has exploded and imports have tripled, and it is expected that the cold wind will drive up the price of vegetables.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Korean food prices fell earlier than expected! The number of local super seeds has exploded and imports have tripled, and it is expected that the cold wind will drive up the price of vegetables.

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This year, the number of Korean vegetables in China has been overgrown since August, and the market price of cabbage has shown a downward trend since October, and there has even been a promotion announcement of "three pieces of 50 yuan". In this regard, the official response, some fields due to serious diseases and insect pests, poor quality, will pull down the overall price, it is estimated that as the temperature drops, the quality of cabbage harvested will also tend to be stable.

In addition to the explosion of local production, the import of kale this year has also doubled compared with the same period last year. The Agriculture and Food Administration says that the area of cabbage in the first phase has decreased, making it obvious that there is a shortage of vegetables in summer, so that imports will increase. Some traders have also pointed out that this year, the successful trial of soft kale in Southeast Asia, which is more in line with the eating habits of the Chinese people, can change the impression that "imported cabbage is harder and less delicious." as a result, the import of soft kale has increased slightly, but stressed that it will not be imported in large quantities from October to avoid colliding with domestic kale.

Since October, workers have been busy harvesting cabbage in the fields. (photo / Lin Xiejun) Cabbage explosion is still a yellow light warning in September.

Since August, when the domestic cabbage planting season began, due to farmers' expectations of good prices this year, the torrential rain a few days ago led to the trend of the resumption period, and the government's first launch of the "production registration system" and the announcement of price-insured acquisitions, there was a rush to rush for cabbage seeds in August, and there was even a "purple explosion" crisis in the number of seedlings. The Agriculture and Food Administration urgently issued an early warning notice to advise farmers not to increase the planting area or disperse the planting period.

The growing period of cabbage is about 70 days, and the cabbage seedlings planted in early August are expected to be harvested in the near future, and will also enter the main production period of flat cabbage. According to the trading data of the whole Taiwan fruit and vegetable market, the price of cabbage just listed on the market is much lower than that of the same period last year, and the curve goes all the way down (the blue line in the picture), about 25 yuan per kilogram, with an average market price of 14.2 yuan / kg today (16). In addition, some fields reported that kale is rich, the price is not as expected, each 10 yuan for the public to harvest, the market also appeared "3 50 yuan" promotion announcement.

Compared with the daily trading price of cabbage last year, the price is significantly lower than that of last year (supply / Agriculture and Food Administration) Yunlin Agriculture Department: the vegetables planted in early August are now in big output.

In this regard, Gao Jianping, head of the Agricultural Development Section of the Agriculture Department of Yunlin County, said, "the cabbage planted in early August is now just beginning to be harvested, and the market volume will peak." He explained that most vegetable farmers will fight for the first planting period in early August, so that the kale can be harvested in mid-October, and then it will run into the flat kale season, the price is not good, and there is still plenty of time after harvest to allow the vegetable leaves in the field to rot and be used as a base fertilizer.

After that, they will jump to the end of November to plant a second wave of cabbage seedlings, looking forward to a big rise in vegetable prices at the end of January due to the approach of the Lunar New year Festival. "many farmers tend to order cabbage in early August and late November, because the prices of vegetables in the middle (November and December) are generally the lowest. Of course, this has something to do with the fact that the government has been urging farmers not to rush to seed, and the early warning effect has fermented."

Gao Jianping points out that since October, when kale has flourished in the plains, prices will have "fluctuated a little bit" according to the market supply and demand, but there has been no collapse as a whole. Only one case area has a lower harvest quality because of diseases and insect pests, and the market merchants are unwilling to buy them, so the price will be extremely low.