
Feeding and management of pregnant sows in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Feeding and management of pregnant sows in winter

Now the temperature is getting lower and lower, but also slowly into the winter. In winter, not only the temperature is very low, but also the natural light time is very short, so it poses a great danger to the growth and development of pregnant sows. And in winter to do a good job in the feeding and management of pregnant sows is also a headache for many pig farmers. So how to raise and manage pregnant sows in winter? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Feeding method

For the sows with poor physique, the proportion of concentrate feed should be increased appropriately in the first three weeks and 10 days after mating. After the gradual recovery of the physique, the green feeding can be fed according to the feeding standard. Until about 80 days of pregnancy, the proportion of fine feeding was increased, and the nutrition level of feed in the later stage was higher than that in the early stage. Then, for the sows with good physique, they should be fed more green feeding in the early stage of pregnancy and fine feeding in the later stage. Finally, for parturient sows and lactating sows, green rough feeding should be given priority to in the early stage of pregnancy, and then the proportion of fine feeding should be gradually increased. During the seven days before delivery, the diet should be gradually reduced by about 15%.

2. Management in the early and late stages of pregnancy

Within three weeks after pregnancy, the embryos of sows are very easily affected by environmental factors. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the feeding and management work, and the feed should be based on full-price feed. In the last three days of pregnancy, the body weight of fetal pigs will begin to rise sharply, and the demand for nutrition will also increase. And because of the increase in the volume of the uterus, the digestive organs of sows will be squeezed, and sows are prone to insufficient food intake, so we should pay attention to improving the concentration of nutrition. It can not only provide adequate reproductive nutrition for sows, but also promote the functional development of fetal pigs.

3. Strengthen the management

For pregnant sows, it is best to raise them alone. The pigsty ground should be flat enough and dry and clean, with the characteristics of warm in winter and cool in summer. The fat pits in the pigsty should not be too deep or too steep. Within a month after ginseng, it is necessary to ensure that the sow eats well and sleeps well, reduce the amount of exercise, and promote the sow to recover its physical strength and health as soon as possible. The sow should be stopped seven days before giving birth, especially in rainy and snowy days, to prevent falls from causing miscarriage. Do not drive sows. If sows have signs of miscarriage, they should be injected with progesterone in time.

4. Prenatal preparation

In winter, the temperature is very low, so we must pay attention to the work of preventing wind and keeping warm. If possible, it is best to set up a special delivery room for sows, which should be warm enough, not humid, and the humidity should be controlled at about 70%. The air quality is good and the light is sufficient, and the temperature should be kept at about 22 degrees. In order to ensure the control of temperature and humidity, we should spray some dry powder in the delivery room to achieve the purpose of removing moisture and dehumidification, inhibit the activity of bacteria and reduce the occurrence of sow disease.

The above is a brief introduction to the feeding and management of pregnant sows in winter. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to all of you.