
Betel nut pesticide spraying non-stop, residents suffering,"upstream and downstream" sent to test weeds four pesticide residues, containing toxic plus Fu Bao

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Betel nut pesticide spraying non-stop, residents suffering,"upstream and downstream" sent to test weeds four pesticide residues, containing toxic plus Fu Bao

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The government has neglected the crisis of betel nut medicine for many years, which is not only harmful to ecology but also harmful to home health. At the end of September this year, some people in Nantou could not bear the stench and poison of spray from the betel nut orchards near their homes. Immediately after spraying, the weeds under the betel nut trees were sampled and sent upstream and downstream for inspection. Results four kinds of insecticides were identified: highly toxic pesticides Jiabao Fu, butyl Jiabao Fu, Dimening and Baimening, all of which were all killer insecticides.

The Nantou resident said that every time betel nut blossoms, spray cars come to the garden to spray medicine all over the trees with high-pressure spray guns, and the stench pervades the community, among which toxicity even causes respiratory allergy and discomfort, and residents are worried about harming their health. And after spraying, there will be struggling and dead insects near the home, including bees bought to pollinate in a nearby vegetable garden.

In this inspection report of weeds under the betel nut tree, four kinds of insecticides were detected (upstream and downstream test reports). Several widely effective insecticides were sprayed together, and there was no difference in insect death.

Spraying bees at flowering stage has caused a collective sudden death of bees for three consecutive years, resulting in heavy losses by bee farmers, and a number of pesticide residues were detected in dead bees and pollen in honeycombs. However, the competent authorities have never thoroughly investigated which betel nut orchards caused the trouble. Who on earth is going to spray? What kind of pesticide is sprayed?

The upstream and downstream collected dead bees and pollen for testing in Puli, Nantou on August 14 this year. Each sample was found to be highly toxic to bees, and its aqueous suspension has been listed as a banned drug. In addition to fenpril, a variety of pesticides have been detected, showing the poison of pesticide cocktails in bees.

After this test, the weeds under the betel nut tree were more directly proved that the betel nut spray was mixed with multiple insecticides at the same time. The tested carbamates and butyl carbamates are highly toxic insecticides, neurotoxins of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, contact and stomach toxicity to all insects, and highly toxic to bees. and systemic pesticides (which migrate in plants).

The other two insecticides, dimethalin and paracetamol, belong to synthetic pyrethrum.