
The function of planting dragon fruit on the frame

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The function of planting dragon fruit on the frame

As a tropical fruit, pitaya is still welcomed by many people in China. There are still a lot of people who grow pitaya now. When planting pitaya, you will find that there is basically a frame around the pitaya plant. And frame planting is an indispensable job when planting pitaya. So what exactly is the role of dragon fruit cultivation? The following small series will briefly introduce you, let's take a look together!

1. Support function

Pitaya is a vine food, stems and vines and other fruits are a bit strange. It is mainly triangular and has no trunk, but the length of the branches is very long. The highest point can reach 10 meters, basically without lignification. Therefore, the branches cannot grow and can only rely on the climbing roots on the stem nodes to climb upward. The frame can provide support conditions for the upward growth of the stem nodes of pitaya and meet the requirements of climbing growth of pitaya.

2. Promote aerial root growth

When planting pitaya, the frame can make the pitaya stem node climb up along the support, or let it droop. effectively improves the three-dimensional space area of pitaya, thereby promoting the stem nodes of pitaya to generate aerial roots. provides a large amount of oxygen for the growth of pitaya plants, improves the photosynthesis of pitaya, promotes the growth of pitaya plants, and can obviously improve the fruit setting rate and single fruit weight of pitaya plants.

3. Guide branches to droop and grow

The length of pitaya branches will affect the fruiting position of pitaya. The length of the fruit branches should generally be controlled at more than 1.5 meters, so that the upper branches, tips and drooping branches of the plant have the highest fruit rate. Therefore, controlling the length, quantity and spatial configuration of branches is the key to ensure high yield of pitaya. And through the frame, it can effectively guide the drooping growth of branches, prolong the length of branches and improve yield.

4, conducive to plastic pruning

Pitaya can grow all year round, especially in the spring and autumn, which is the peak period of pitaya growth. The ability of pitaya thorn germination is very strong, if not managed, it is easy to appear a variety of disorderly branches, seriously affecting the overall growth of the plant. Therefore, reasonable people, building an orderly space can facilitate the pruning of plants and balance the tree potential. The fruiting branches and vegetative branches can be reasonably distributed, thus stabilizing the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth.

5, easy to daily management

If you plant dragon fruit, you can improve the spatial structure of the planting area and make a reasonable layout. The stem nodes of pitaya plants grow orderly, which can not only ensure the growth of the population, but also ensure the normal development of the individual. Moreover, the density can be controlled well, which also provides great convenience for daily management such as fertilization, watering, spraying, pollination and harvesting.

The above is a simple introduction to the role of dragon fruit frame. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!