
What should be paid attention to in raising pigs in bulk?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What should be paid attention to in raising pigs in bulk?

Free-range pig farming is a popular way of raising pigs at present, but this breeding technology is relatively not very mature, and many farmers may not be very clear about what to pay attention to when doing this breeding. Let's take a look at what aspects of pig farming need to be paid attention to in free-range breeding.

1. Breeding site

Free-range pigs can not be raised everywhere, and suitable venues are needed, because many of these factors cannot be artificially controlled. The address is as remote as possible, so that a lot of uncertainties can be reduced when breeding. Secondly, the forage is a little more abundant, mainly with taller trees, otherwise it will be very inconvenient for personnel to manage in the middle. The terrain should not deliberately have a bit of slope, but there can be no large faults and other places, this is a way of free-range pig falls. For some places with large ups and downs, it is best to flatten them properly, and places such as valleys are generally ideal. There must be a suitable and simple pig house in the middle. Free-range pig farming does not mean complete stocking.

2. Temperature control

When the temperature is convenient, we should pay attention to the local lowest temperature. If the temperature is high, there is a way to cool down, and the temperature in the mountain forest will not be too high. But it's hard to say if the temperature is low. After all, it's impossible to keep a pigsty all the time, so it doesn't make much sense to keep it free. In general, the lowest local temperature is not less than 10 ℃, and the duration should not be too long as an ideal temperature, and a short period of low temperature can be spent in captivity for a period of time. If the field temperature of the piglet is above 25 ℃, it is ideal. If the piglet is low, it is easy to cause problems.

3. Health management

This is not to say that free-range pig farming does not need to manage hygiene, but cleaning up is relatively less frequent, and it is still necessary to clean up. The sanitary management of free-range pigs mainly includes these aspects: the first is the cleaning and burying of pig manure, the second is the cleaning of pig houses, and the third is the cleaning of residues in breeding grounds. However, generally speaking, it is mainly aimed at the places near the piggery, the places for field activities are checked regularly, and those who do not have more residue or excreta do not need to pay much attention, and will generally be degraded naturally. Secondly, regular disinfection is needed, mainly for places where free-range pigs stay more.

4. Feeding problem

Raising pigs in bulk does not mean that they do not need to be fed. After all, there is no adequate supply of nutrients for the growth of so many pigs in captivity. Secondly, even if there is, the fattening effect is too slow, so in fact, it is necessary to use appropriate feed for fattening. However, the daily use of some fresh vegetable-flavored main food, combined with some concentrate feed for rapid fattening, and the variety as far as possible to avoid a single food, so that the quality is better.

These are some points for attention of free-raising pigs. In fact, free-raising pigs mainly provide more activity space for pigs, and then cooperate with some fattening methods of captive breeding to achieve obvious fattening effect. Farmers must pay more attention to these problems in order to raise better pigs.