
Causes and control methods of rotten roots and dead kidney bean

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and control methods of rotten roots and dead kidney bean

Kidney beans are kidney beans, and the death of kidney beans caused by root diseases is more serious in the process of kidney bean planting. Many farmers often sell kidney beans of more than one mu and all die after selling only a few hundred yuan, resulting in greater losses. So what is the reason for the rotten roots of kidney beans? Come and have a look with the editor.

First, the cause of rotten roots and death of kidney beans

1. Fusarium wilt

The disease is mild in the early growth stage and generally begins to occur in the early flowering stage. the main symptoms are that the leaves turn yellow from bottom to top, the veins turn brown, and the defoliation is easy to occur. In the middle and later stage of growth, the vascular bundles on one side of the stem turn brown in light and all brown in weight, and the roots of the plant are very small and easy to pull out, and the root rot will be found after pulling out.

2. Stem base rot

As the name implies, this disease occurs at the base of the stem, and the disease is caused by sunken white-red-brown ulcer spots in the disease. when the bacteria spread to the stem tissue, the stem tissue becomes red brick color, the disease should be combined with physical control and chemical control.

3. Alternaria root rot

At the initial stage of the disease, water-stained reddish-brown spots appeared in the disease, then gradually changed into dark brown or dark brown, slightly sunken or cracked, and then gradually expanded, resulting in decay or necrosis of the main root.

4. Physiological diseases

Kidney bean is tolerant to drought but not resistant to waterlogging, and likes loose, fertile and breathable soil. if the soil is too sticky and heavy, the air permeability is poor, or there is stagnant water in the field, its root system is restrained, resulting in yellowing and shedding of leaves, and dead trees will occur in serious cases. Excessive application of chemical fertilizer causes excessive salt ion concentration in the soil, which is also easy to cause rotten roots and dead trees.

II. Prevention and control methods

1. Physical control

After selecting the planting land, it is necessary to ridge cultivation on the basis of leveling the ground to prevent stagnant water in the field and cause the problem of retting roots. at the same time, it is necessary to strengthen mid-ploughing, loosen the soil and increase soil permeability, which is beneficial to the growth and development of root system. reduce the probability of disease infection.

2. Chemical control

On the basis of physical control, combined with chemical control, Fusarium wilt can be controlled by root irrigation with 30% carbendazim, chloramphenicol, etc.; stem rot can be controlled by dimethophos and methyl trimethophos; and Alternaria root rot can be controlled by carbendazim or Jia Ruinong.

The above is the introduction of the causes and control methods of rotten kidney beans. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.