
Causes and control measures of yellow leaves of dried ginger

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and control measures of yellow leaves of dried ginger

In the process of ginger cultivation, many farmers will often find the phenomenon of dry pointed yellow leaves in the process of management, which will often cause poor growth and weak growth of ginger, and eventually affect the yield. So what is the reason for the dried yellow leaves of ginger? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look.

First, the cause of dry pointed yellow leaves

1. Ginger is a shallow root crop, which likes to be wet and afraid of waterlogging and drought. when it encounters a long period of high temperature and drought or continuous rainy days during the growing period, it will affect its normal growth and development, resulting in the yellowing of the dry tip of the leaves.

2. When the base fertilizer is applied, the farm manure which is fully mature is applied. Under the condition of high temperature, the household fertilizer will accelerate fermentation in the soil, and a large amount of heat and ammonia will be released in the process of fermentation, which is easy to burn roots, produce gas damage, and cause yellowing of dried ginger.

3. The phenomenon of dry-pointed yellow leaves will also occur when Zingiber officinale is deficient, such as whitening leaves, slow growth, dwarf plant type, small leaves and yellowing curls.

4. Zingiber officinale is a negative-tolerant plant, when the light is too strong and the temperature is too high, the water consumed by transpiration is much larger than that absorbed by roots, so it is easy to cause plant water loss and wilting, yellow leaves and dry tips.

5. The improper use of pesticides, especially the improper use of herbicides, will also lead to varying degrees of drug damage to ginger, such as slow growth of ginger seedlings, yellowing leaves, weak growth and so on.

6. Fusarium wilt, ginger blast, root rot, anthrax, leaf spot, leaf blight and other diseases cause yellow leaves with different symptoms, some are underground and some are above ground.

II. Prevention and control measures

First of all, base fertilizer and topdressing organic fertilizer and farm manure must be fully mature, and an appropriate amount of microbial fertilizer can also be added to the base fertilizer. Element deficiency is related to element deficiency and excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer, which leads to root resistance to other elements, which can be supplemented by foliar fertilizer spraying. For the dry tip yellow leaves caused by high temperature, shading net can be used in the early stage of growth to reduce leaf transpiration and break the membrane in time after emergence to prevent high temperature burns of ginger leaves. In case of drug damage, 50g vinegar + 50g urea + potassium dihydrogen phosphate + brassinolide was sprayed on 30 jin of water, and the root was irrigated with microbial agent Dilwang at the same time. It is necessary to take comprehensive prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, prescribe the right medicine to the case, and control the disease as much as possible to avoid further spread.

The above is the introduction of the causes and control measures of dried yellow leaves of Dajiang. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.