
What should we do if the planting yield of potatoes is not high?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What should we do if the planting yield of potatoes is not high?

Potato is potato, which is a common vegetable in our life, and it is also one of the important food crops in our country. The price is not high, but there are many practices and delicious taste, so its market has been very good. But when farmers grow potatoes, the yield has not been high. What should we do? Let's go with the editor to see how potato planting can increase yield.

1. Sprouting and slicing

Start sprouting one month before potato planting, spread a layer of about 5cm of sand on the ground before sprouting, and then put the germinated heatstroke on the sand and bury it with sand, laying 4 layers in this way. The budding temperature should be kept at 15-20 degrees, so you need to spray water frequently. However, the humidity should not be too high, and the rotten and diseased potatoes in the seed potato should be removed in time in the process of accelerating budding. at this time, the key point is that if there are rotten and diseased potatoes, it will lead to the spread of germs and affect the whole. Generally, it can sprout in about half a month, and when the bud grows to about 2 cm, it can be cut into pieces. The size of the pieces should be appropriate to ensure that the weight of each piece of potato is about 40 grams. The knife can only be used after disinfection. Make sure that there are at least two bud holes on each cut. After cutting the cut, smear the incision with plant ash to prevent bacterial infection, and then place it in a cool and ventilated place to allow the wound to dry naturally.

2. Land preparation

The condition of the land has a great influence on the yield of potatoes. Potatoes are suitable for sandy loam and loam cultivation, generally sour, loose and fertile, good permeability, organic matter content method can be planted. But it is best not to choose the land where the previous crop is sunflower, tomato, eggplant and spraying fruit promoters, so as to avoid carrying bacteria in the field, and it is best to choose the land where the previous crop is rice, corn and soybean. Deep ploughing the land before planting is generally carried out in late autumn, with a depth of about 20-25 cm. 2500-3000 kg of rotten farm manure is applied per mu as base fertilizer, and it can also be appropriately matched with 4-5 kg phosphate fertilizer, 10 kg potash fertilizer and 7 kg nitrogen fertilizer. Soil preparation should ensure that the ground is flat and there are no hard lumps on the surface.

3. Sowing seeds

Potato sowing time is also more important, sowing time should be appropriate, sowing too early will appear rotten seeds, dead seedlings phenomenon. Sowing after the party shortens the growth cycle of potatoes, resulting in a reduction in yield. Generally speaking, the sowing time of potatoes should be determined according to the temperature. It is the best sowing time for potatoes when the soil temperature of about 10 cm is kept at about 5-7 degrees. In order to improve the soil moisture conservation capacity and soil temperature, spring sowing should be ridged and ditched at a depth of 3-4 cm. When sowing, the buds are upward, the row spacing is maintained at 55-60 cm, and the plant spacing is maintained at 25-30 cm directly. Spray herbicides to prevent weeds after placement.

4. Field management

Potatoes are generally topdressing at flowering stage, nitrogen fertilizer is mainly applied at flower bud stage, and secondary topdressing is mainly used at full flowering stage, mainly potassium fertilizer. When the length of tuber reaches about 2 cm, it should be irrigated reasonably according to soil and climate conditions. Irrigation should be stopped in the later stage of tuber growth to avoid root rot caused by too much water. The main diseases of potatoes are black shank, leaf blight, late blight and so on. In addition to selecting varieties with strong disease resistance during planting, the disease also needs to be prevented and treated with chemicals. It can be controlled by spraying Shuangg, Metalaxyl, Dasheng, Dasheng and Dasheng three times during flowering. It is found that diseased plants must be taken out of the field in time, so as not to cause large-scale spread in the later stage and affect the next crop.

The above is the potato planting output is not high how to introduce, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.