
Matters needing attention in the use of pesticides

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Matters needing attention in the use of pesticides

In vegetable production, because the disease resistance of some vegetables is very poor, it is necessary to use pesticides for pest control. However, many growers have a lot of misunderstandings when using pesticides, which not only lead to poor germicidal and insecticidal effect, but also affect the growth of vegetables. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to the use of pesticides, so let's take a look at the precautions in the use of pesticides with Xiaobian.

1. Do not use drugs blindly

There are some growers, especially novice vegetable farmers, when choosing pesticides. The nature of pesticides and the types of diseases and insect pests will not be considered at all, so that they are used blindly and the results are counterproductive. When we choose pesticides for pest control, we must first fully understand the symptoms and transmission habits of various diseases. It is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment in order to effectively improve the effect of pesticide control.

2. do not mix pesticides indiscriminately

In the use of pesticides, because the ingredients of some pesticides play an auxiliary role with each other. Therefore, it can be mixed together and has the effect of saving time and effort. But also because some people do not fully understand the nature of pesticides, so as to mix insecticides and fungicides at will. It leads to the extremely high concentration of some pesticides, thus causing drug damage to some plants. And some pesticides will also have chemical reactions, although it will not cause harm to the plant, but it will also reduce the efficacy. Therefore, we must pay attention not to mix pesticides casually, to consult experts, or after a small area trial can be fully mixed.

3. Do not excessively pursue the speed of achieving results.

When many growers choose pesticides, most of them will take the speed of effect as the first principle. I think the faster the effect, the better, and the quality will not be too bad. Therefore, some of the results are actually good, but the pesticides with slow effect are not recognized by everyone. Therefore, when growing vegetables, we still have to choose pesticides according to the actual situation, in line with the growth habits of crops, in order to achieve the best control effect.

4. Don't seek new things blindly

Now the development of society is faster and faster, and all kinds of new pesticides emerge in endlessly. As a result, some vegetable farmers have the illusion that the control effect of the new ingredient pesticide is good, while the old ingredient pesticide control effect is poor. Thus, some unscrupulous merchants took advantage of the loophole to change the packaging of the old drugs and re-appear on the market after a "makeover", so as to deceive farmers. Therefore, we must pay attention not to blind innovation, to ensure that they understand the pharmacology of pesticides and the symptoms of diseases and insect pests, according to the actual situation to do a good job in prevention and control work to ensure the effect of prevention and control.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in the use of pesticides. When we use pesticides, we should pay attention to prevention, but pay more attention to treatment than prevention, and strengthening prevention is the key to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.