
Feeding method of Meat Rabbit in Winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Feeding method of Meat Rabbit in Winter

Rabbit meat has high nutritional value and good taste, so rabbit breeding is very common in our daily life, and the economic value of rabbit meat is also very high. When raising meat rabbits, we have to adjust the breeding method of meat rabbits according to the changes of seasons, especially in winter when the temperature is low. How do you feed rabbits in winter? The following small series brings you the breeding method of meat rabbits. Let's take a look together!

1, cold and warm

Winter temperature is very low, so breeding meat rabbit first is to do a good job of cold and warm work. Close the vents in the rabbit house when ventilation is not available. Then cover the door with a layer of straw curtain and other substances to avoid cold wind invasion affecting the normal growth of meat rabbits. After entering winter, the lowest temperature in the rabbit house should be kept above 5 degrees, the thickness of the ground mat should be appropriately thickened, and it should be replaced frequently. Then create a dry and comfortable rabbit house environment for the meat rabbit. Plant ash or quicklime can be used to dehumidify and disinfect rabbit houses.

2. Diet adjustment

Natural feed resources in winter are relatively small, so we should appropriately increase the proportion of meat rabbit feed, should increase about 25%. Especially to improve the proportion of some energy substances, and to feed more green feed, carrots and other vitamin-rich feed. The proportion of green feed was kept at about 30%. Moreover, because the winter night is very cold and the time is relatively long, in order to make the meat rabbit better supplement energy, it is necessary to appropriately increase the feeding frequency and feeding amount, and appropriately increase the fodder at 20 o 'clock in the evening.

3. Drinking water exercise

Fresh feed in winter is very little, and the main feed is dry feed. Therefore, attention should be paid to providing sufficient warm water for meat rabbits when feeding feed. Many farmers will not provide drinking water for meat rabbits in winter. If the meat rabbit drinking water shortage, it will affect the digestive function, thereby reducing the appetite of the meat rabbit, resulting in various digestive tract diseases. Then when it is sunny in winter, let the rabbit receive more exercise in the sun, and keep it for one hour. The purpose is to improve the physique of the rabbit and promote the synthesis of nutrients.

4. Winter breeding

When many people raise rabbits, they feel that spring and autumn are the breeding season for meat rabbits, and winter is not suitable for breeding. Moreover, the requirements of meat rabbit reproduction to the season are not very large, the winter temperature is low, but stable and pathogenic microorganisms are few, rabbit disease is not vicious. As long as the management work is done well, meat rabbits can reproduce in winter. During reproduction, the temperature of both male and female rabbits should be kept at a moderate level, and then the temperature should be controlled at 10 degrees. For breeding on sunny days, some feed to promote estrus, such as green feed, germinated barley, etc., should be fed to the female rabbits.

The above is a simple introduction to the winter rabbit breeding method, today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone Oh!