
Cultivation Techniques of Pariparis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation Techniques of Pariparis

Flea Xiu is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is the root and stem of seven leaves and one flower. The efficacy of flea rest is very many, and the planting area in China is also relatively large. Flea rest has various effects such as heat-clearing and detoxification, anti-inflammation and analgesia. Now flea Xiu can be seen in many traditional Chinese medicine formulations. So how to grow flea Hugh exactly? The following editor brings you the cultivation techniques of flea Hugh, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

Flea rest is not very strict on climate and soil, but these conditions will affect the growth ability of flea rest. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in selecting sites before planting. The shady and gentle sloping land with short days should be selected to maintain the water retention and permeability of the land. The root distribution of flea is not deep, so it is necessary to do a good job of soil preparation, make it into soil moisture about 1.3 meters wide, then apply sufficient farm manure, then cover the ditch with fertilizer, turn the soil and hoe once, keep the soil ploughing layer, and then rake the soil to prepare for sowing.

2. Seed propagation

The seed reproduction of flea rest can be divided into two types: direct seeding and seedling transplanting, of which it is best to be able to carry out direct seeding. The direct broadcast should be in May every year, on the soil moisture surface, the plant spacing should be controlled at about 32 cm to 22 cm, and then dig a sowing hole about 4 cm deep. Before sowing, you should do a good job in the treatment of the seeds. After soaking the seeds in cold water for a whole day, mix the plant ash. Then sow about 3 seeds in each hole, and then cover a layer of fine soil and thin dung. Then pour water to cover a layer of plastic film, and the seedlings can emerge after about a week.

3. Field management

After the seedlings are unearthed, we should do a good job in the work of seedlings, and check to see if there is a lack of seedlings, and if so, we should do a good job of replenishing seedlings. The seedlings should be properly watered before the seedlings and the same amount of fixed root water should be poured into the seedlings to ensure the whole seedling rate and control the planting density. Then we have to do a good job in weeding, because the growth of the aboveground part of the flea plant is relatively weak, so the weeding work can not be ignored. Especially in the rainy season from May to June, compared with the precipitation, the soil is prone to hardening, so it is necessary to do a good job of drainage and waterlogging prevention.

4. Water and fertilizer management

Flea Xiu has a great demand for nutrition in the process of growing, so we should do a good job of fertilizing. When applying base fertilizer, the amount of fertilizer should be kept at about 75% of the fertilizer needed for the whole growth period of flea rest. The amount of topdressing should be kept at about 20% in the later stage of growth. Flea Hugh likes to grow in a damp environment, so we should pay attention to keep the border applied. In case of drought, water should be watered in time, but on rainy days, drainage should be done well to avoid stagnant water and lead to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

The above is a brief introduction to the cultivation techniques of flea rest. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.