
The world's healthiest fruit-papaya, summer and autumn eat the sweetest! Experts teach you to pick papaya, touch the head is right

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The world's healthiest fruit-papaya, summer and autumn eat the sweetest! Experts teach you to pick papaya, touch the head is right

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Papaya, which has been rated as the healthiest fruit by the World Health Organization, is rich in vitamins, carotenes and a variety of minerals, as well as proteolytic enzymes, especially in immature fruits, which can help digestion. Papaya is the sweetest in summer and autumn, but the choice of papaya not only looks at the appearance, but also touches the pedicel. Don't put it in the refrigerator if the papaya is not ripe, otherwise it will become a "dumb fruit" and will never be ripe!

Summer and autumn papaya is the sweetest, with an average sugar content of more than 12 degrees.

Papaya can be produced in Taiwan all the year round, and it is grown in the central and southern parts of the country, and the quality is the best in the south. In summer, there is little difference between the central and southern regions, but in the colder winter and spring, the fruit will be sweeter in the south because it is warmer and sunny.

Huang Shihuang, an assistant researcher at Tainan Agricultural Reform Farm, explained that papaya takes about 130-150 days from flowering to harvest. If the growth zone is sunny and the climate is warm, the sweetness of the fruit will increase because of the high photosynthetic efficiency of the leaves. In summer and autumn, the sugar content of papaya is generally above 12 degrees, even up to 14 or 15 degrees, and the taste and flavor are also the best. Papaya from March to April is less sweet because it is mostly in the low temperature season.

Tainong No. 2 papaya (Photo Source: Tainan Agricultural Reform Farm) there are three common kinds of papaya: Tainong No. 2, Risheng and Hongfei.

The domestic planting area of papaya is about 2680 hectares, which is distributed in the central and southern regions. Tainan City and Pingtung County are the major producing areas. In recent years, the planting area in the central part has also increased. There are three common varieties: Tainong No. 2, Risheng and Hongfei.

Huang Shihuang explained that Tainong 2 is mainly cultivated in a net room, and it is the variety with the largest planting area in Taiwan. it has been bred for more than 30 years, and its flesh is orange-red. Because of its good quality and high yield, it has an unshakable position in the papaya industry. Most of the papayas on the market are Tainong 2.

Japanese concubine is also cultivated in a net room, introduced from abroad, selected and bred by Fengshan experiment, with low yield and small fruit weight, with an average of 400-600 grams. Hongfei is bred by Nongyou Seedling Company and has a high tolerance to virus disease. it can be planted in the open, but the fruit is too large, one is nearly 30 centimeters, and the acceptance is low in the domestic market.

Red imperial concubine papaya (photo source _ Tainan agricultural reform farm)