
The leaves of water lilies turn yellow. what's going on?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The leaves of water lilies turn yellow. what's going on?

Water lily is a perennial aquatic herb, which is widely distributed in China. The ornamental value of water lilies is very high, and the roots of water lilies can absorb toxic substances such as lead and mercury in water, and their purification ability is also very strong. However, when we plant water lilies, we will find that the leaves of water lilies turn yellow, affecting the ornamental nature of water lilies. So how do the leaves of water lilies turn yellow? Let's take a look at it.

1. Temperature discomfort

Water lilies have certain requirements for temperature in the process of growth, and the suitable growth temperature of water lilies is about 25 degrees. The temperature should not be too high or too low. If the temperature is too low, the water lilies will gradually enter the dormant period and stop growing. If the temperature exceeds 40 degrees, then the leaves of water lilies will turn yellow. Therefore, we should pay attention to control the growth temperature of water lilies and keep warm in winter. Under the high temperature environment in summer, shading and cooling should be done well, and proper water spraying around water lilies can meet the requirements of cooling.

2. The reason of illumination

Light is very important for the growth of water lilies, although water lilies like to grow in sunny environments. However, if you are exposed to strong light in summer, it will cause the leaves to be burned and the edges of the leaves will turn yellow and zoom. If water lilies grow in a non-light environment for a long time, then it is impossible to carry out photosynthesis, and there will also be yellowing. Therefore, when we plant water lilies, we should also pay attention to control the light, while meeting the demand for water and light, we should also be careful not to let the water lilies be exposed to strong light. Only in this way can we ensure that the branches and leaves of water lilies are thick and green.

3. Improper moisture

Water demand for water lily growth is relatively large, in the water lily growth period, if the long-term lack of water or the water quality is too poor, then it is the main reason for the yellowing of water lily leaves. Therefore, we should pay attention to control the watering method, such as watering every two days or so during its growing period. When the temperature drops in autumn and winter, it can be watered every 5 days or so to keep the soil slightly wet. If it is planted in a flowerpot, the soil should be changed in time every year to ensure the water quality and not to irrigate the seriously polluted water.

4. Improper fertilization

Water lilies still need some nutrition during the growing period, so we should also pay attention to proper topdressing. If the amount of fertilizer applied for a long time is too small, then the water lilies will yellowing leaves due to lack of nutrition. So we should pay attention to fertilizing work, for example, during the growing period of water lilies, we should apply dilute liquid fertilizer about every two weeks or so. In autumn and winter, phosphate and potash fertilizer can be applied once a month or so. It should be noted that no matter what fertilizer it is, it is necessary to control the amount of fertilizer to avoid fertilizer damage caused by excessive fertilization.

The above is a brief introduction to the yellowing of water lilies. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope I can help you all.