
What is the reason for the yellowing of Guanyin leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is the reason for the yellowing of Guanyin leaves?

Dishui Guanyin is a kind of flower plant of Araceae, which has a large planting area in China, and its ornamental value is relatively high. Now many people will choose to put a pot of dripping Guanyin at home to watch, so the planting area of Dishui Guanyin is still very large. However, when planting Dishui Guanyin, the leaves of Dishui Guanyin always turn yellow. So what is the cause of this? Let's take a look at it.

1. Environmental discomfort

Environmental discomfort is the main reason for the yellowing of Dishui Guanyin leaves. And the most important reason is the soil. When planting Dishui Guanyin, if the soil PH value is too alkaline or if the soil is not changed for a long time when planting in flowerpots. Then it leads to the lack of nutrients in the soil and affects the growth of the plant. This leads to the appearance of yellow leaves, sagging and other bad phenomena in Dishui Guanyin. Therefore, when we are planting, we should pay attention to adjust the PH value of the soil, and the flowerpot planting should change the soil every year, and the amount of soil exchange should be kept at about 1 / 3, and then the old and diseased roots should be cut off and fertilized properly to provide nutrition.

2. Improper watering

Dishui Guanyin has a great demand for water. If too much water is watered, stagnant water will be produced in the flowerpot, causing the root of dripping Guanyin to rot, affecting the nutrient absorption and growth of dripping Guanyin. However, if the watering is not thorough, it will cause uneven watering and affect the water absorption of the plant because of the tight roots or soil consolidation and other reasons. Therefore, we should pay attention to do a good job of watering, keep watering evenly, and water more during the growing period, but after entering winter, Guanyin will gradually dormant, so we should pay attention to controlling the amount of water.

3. Sun exposure

When Dishui Guanyin is growing, he likes to grow in a cool place. Although there is a certain demand for light, but can not bear the strong light exposure, if directly put in the sun to let its exposure, then the leaves are affected by sunburn, easy to appear yellow leaves withered and other phenomena. Therefore, in the process of planting Dishui Guanyin, we should pay attention to controlling the light. The light should not be too strong, and the light time every day should not be too long, just keep it at about 3 hours.

4. Lack of light

The lack of light is also the main reason for the yellowing of Dishui Guanyin leaves. When planting Dishui Guanyin, if Dishui Guanyin is in the area of insufficient light for a long time, then the lack of light affects the photosynthesis of the plant and reduces the nutrient accumulation of the plant. If you grow up in such an environment for a long time, the internodes of dripping Guanyin will be very long, the leaves will be small and weak, and the ornamental quality will be affected. Therefore, it is necessary to provide appropriate light for Dishui Guanyin to promote the growth of Dishui Guanyin.

The above is a brief introduction to the reason why the leaves of Dishui Guanyin turn yellow. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to all of you.