
Causes and control methods of flower and fruit drop of cherry

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and control methods of flower and fruit drop of cherry

Virgin fruit is often called small tomato, the plant can grow up to 2 meters, the fruit has the effects of invigorating body to quench thirst, invigorating stomach and digestion, clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and calming liver, tonifying blood and nourishing blood and increasing appetite. The phenomenon of flower and fruit drop will occur when planting virgin fruit. How to prevent and control the flower and fruit drop of virgin fruit is the concern of many fruit growers. Let's work with the editor to understand the causes and prevention methods of flower and fruit drop.

First, the reason for the flower and fruit drop of virgin fruit

1. Lack of light

The growth of the virgin fruit needs sufficient light, and if there is a long period of overcast and rainy weather, it will cause stunted growth of the virgin fruit, which will affect the growth of the virgin fruit, which will cause the virgin fruit to fall. But should also pay attention to the summer noon light intensity, so as not to cause sunburn, should use sunshade net for shading, reduce the light intensity, is conducive to fruit protection.

2. Overwatering

The virgin fruit blossoms and bears fruit continuously, after entering its flowering period, we must pay attention to watering, watering should follow the principle of no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly, the soil is too moist because of diseases and insect pests and rotting roots, so it is easy to cause the problem of falling flowers and fruits.

3. The temperature is not suitable

Too high and low temperature will lead to flower organ defects, resulting in flower and fruit drop, and a large number of flowers will fall when the night temperature of the virgin fruit is lower than 15 degrees or higher than 22 degrees and when the daytime temperature is higher than 35 degrees. During the whole growth period, higher than 32 degrees or less than 12 degrees during the day, and higher than 20 degrees or less than 12 degrees at night will cause flowers and fruits to drop.

4. Boron deficiency

Boron plays an extremely important role in the growth of virgin fruit, which can effectively promote pollen germination, stimulate pollen tube germination, stimulate pollen tube elongation, increase fruit setting rate, and lack of boron will also cause a large number of flowers and fruits in tomatoes. Therefore, in the flower knight should pay attention to the combination of foliar fertilizer to supplement boron fertilizer.

II. Prevention and control methods

1. From the seedling stage of virgin fruit, it is necessary to cultivate strong seedlings to increase the resistance and disease resistance of virgin fruit.

2. Spraying potash fertilizer during the growing period of virgin fruit, pay attention to the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, so as to avoid excessive growth of plants, resulting in vegetative growth stronger than reproductive growth, at the same time, we should also pay attention to watering and do a good job of fertilizer and water management.

3. The pest control of virgin fruit is mainly early blight, gray mold and virus disease, and the medicine should take preventive measures in advance.

The above introduction of the causes and control methods of virgin fruit drop, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.