
How to control rodent damage by planting edible fungi

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to control rodent damage by planting edible fungi

Harmful rats are the great enemy in the production of edible fungi, which not only cause mechanical damage to bacterial bags, but also indirectly cause diseases and insect pests, leading to the occurrence and prevalence of a variety of infectious and parasitic diseases, endangering human health. For this reason, the prevention and control of edible fungus rodent damage should adhere to the plant protection policy of prevention first and comprehensive control, and tighten every string of edible mushroom rodent damage prevention and control at all times in accordance with the principle of safety, economy and effectiveness. rodent damage prevention and control should run through the whole process of comprehensive management of edible fungi.

1. Anti-rodent measures

There are mainly two modes of edible fungus production: indoor cultivation and outdoor mushroom shed cultivation. According to the characteristics of the production site, the following methods can be taken to prevent rodent damage.

① indoor rodent prevention indoor cultivation of edible fungi should consider anti-rodent facilities, indoor construction of pits, walls and floors should be poured with cement, if conditions permit, iron window screens should be installed in mushroom doors and ventilation windows, or kerosene and gasoline should be sprayed around mushroom rooms to prevent both rodent damage and streptococcus infection.

② outdoor mushroom shed rodent prevention trench (wide 30~40cm, deep 40~90cm) around outdoor mushroom shed, rainy day drainage, sunny day irrigation, can prevent harmful rats from entering the mushroom shed.

2. Anti-rodent measures

The rodent control of edible fungi should be based on physical rodent control, chemical prevention and control should be focused on, farmland and edible mushroom control should be synchronized, and different anti-rodent measures should be taken according to the specific conditions of edible mushroom production facilities to ensure the quality and safety of edible mushroom products, so that mushroom farmers can obtain greater economic benefits and realize the harmony between man and nature.

① artificial hunting and killing of mushrooms is carried out by using a variety of rat traps or cages in the mushroom room, and digging holes and pouring water into the holes can be used around the mushroom house.

② electric cat can not be put into the mushroom room, because the domestic cat has strong activity ability and is easy to destroy the bacterial bag and mushroom bed, it can turn on the power grid around the mushroom house at night, put the electric cat and plug in the power supply to catch mice. When the harmful rat touches the power grid, the electric cat will sound an alarm, and the dead rat can be removed and caught again. We used to kill 70-80 rodents in one night, and the mushroom farm killed 5-6 times in a row, and the effect of catching rats was extremely significant.

③ fumigation of aluminum phosphide tablets is a simple rodent killing method popularized at present. Half or one piece of aluminum phosphide tablets are put in the rat hole, then all the holes are sealed with soil, and the tablets are hygroscopically decomposed in the rat hole, and phosphine gas is released to kill the rats in the hole. Note: phosphine gas is highly toxic. If it is used in mushroom rooms, all holes must be sealed with wet mud to avoid gas extravasation.

The prevention and control of rat damage caused by ④ poison bait to kill edible fungi is related to the health of consumers, and safety factors should be considered in the use of chemical rat poison. Chronic anticoagulant rodenticide such as diphacinone, bromadiolone and chlorophenone should be used for bait, and acute highly toxic rodenticide such as tetramine is strictly prohibited. Because the effect of anticoagulant rodenticide is slow, the symptoms of rodent poisoning are mild, it will not cause rodent refusing to eat, and the rodent killing effect is complete. After killing rats, the drugs should be burned or buried in time to prevent and control the pollution of edible fungus products and spread various diseases. Pay attention to rodenticide should be used in rotation to avoid rodent resistance, resulting in rampant rodent damage.