
Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Propagation and cultivation techniques of Magnolia grandiflora

First, propagation methods: the reproduction methods of Cymbidium include sowing propagation and vegetative propagation with axillary buds, bulbs and old roots.

1. Sowing and breeding Cymbidium is a cross-pollinated plant. In order to promote fruiting, it should be pollinated artificially. When the seed pericarp gradually changes from green to red or brownish red, it is basically mature. The external environment directly affects the life span of seeds, especially the temperature and humidity. If the seeds of Cymbidium are at a high temperature of 45 ℃ ~ 50 ℃, most of the seeds will lose their germination power after more than one hour. The suitable temperature for seed storage is below 20 ℃, and it can be stored for a short time when the temperature is no more than 30 ℃ ~ 35 ℃. The seeds of Cymbidium sprouted slowly, usually taking 40-45 days from sowing to coleoptile. Where there are conditions, proper treatment before sowing can promote the rapid germination of seeds. The commonly used methods are as follows: one is to soak the seeds in 40 ℃ C water for 24 to 36 hours, which can advance to about 20 days to produce radicles; the other is to soak the seeds in 10% sodium phosphate solution for 20 minutes, wash them and soak them in water at the same temperature for 24 hours, and then sow them in an incubator with room temperature of 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ and 85% air relative humidity, and the radicles can begin to germinate in 6 days at the earliest. The substrate for sowing can be sawdust, river sand, peat and so on, and pH5.5~pH6.5 is better. The sowing time varies with different regions, and can be carried out as long as the temperature can be maintained at 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ (the maximum is not more than 30 ℃). According to the climatic characteristics of our country, spring sowing, autumn sowing and winter sowing are available, of which spring sowing is the most common, the best before and after the Qingming Festival, early in the south and late in the north. Autumn sowing mainly uses early-maturing fruits to sow with picking, and the best time is between the End of Heat and White Dew. Winter sowing is mostly in areas with heating facilities in the north. After seed germination, after about one and a half months, when the true leaves are exposed from the coleoptile, they can be transplanted for the first time, and when they grow to two true leaves, they can be planted, one plant in each pot.

2. The most commonly used vegetative reproduction is dividing plants and bulbs. Ramet is the most widely used, axillary buds are extracted from the axillary leaves of the mother plant, and its ability of asexual reproduction varies according to plant age and variety. general adult plants and common varieties are easy to extract axillary buds. The time of ramets varies with local conditions, and those with heating equipment or medium-temperature greenhouses can be carried out all the year round, while in the Yangtze River basin and its southern areas, it is appropriate to be in front of Grain Rain, and it can also be divided in autumn, usually between White Dew and the Autumn Equinox. When the leaves grow to 6-7 in the spring, the offspring around the mother plant will be taken out. After ramet, the wounds of both mother and daughter should be coated with fine furnace ash to avoid the flow of fluid from the wound, so that the wound can be dried quickly and prevent decay. If the seed plant has few roots, it can be planted with fine sand and kept at room temperature for 20-25 ℃, which is beneficial to root germination and growth. The larger seed plants can blossom after 1-2 years of maintenance. Bulb propagation time, no matter where, as long as the temperature can be stabilized at about 20 ℃.

2. Cultivation techniques: Cymbidium prefers a warm and cool environment, does not bear cold, avoids high temperature and extreme heat, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the plant grows slowly, the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the leaves and flowers will grow excessively, and the temperature difference of 10 ℃ is the most beneficial to the growth and development of Cymbidium. When the room temperature is lower than 5 ℃ in winter, the growth will be inhibited. If you are afraid of sun exposure, you like half a shade. When the summer temperature is high, the magnolia is in a semi-dormant state.

Strict requirements for soil, ventilation and permeability is the key, otherwise fleshy fibrous roots are easy to rot, it is better to loose and humus-rich soil, especially peat is the best, avoid salt and alkali. In the process of cultivation, we should pay attention to the control of moisture, the soil is not dry or wet, the air humidity is 70% Mel 80%, the soil is too wet or the relative humidity is too large, the magnolia is prone to disease. In the dry season, should often spray water, lest the air is too dry, so that the leaf edge withered. Watering to the right amount, stagnant water is easy to rot roots, resulting in death.

Light is closely related to the growth and development of Cymbidium. Cymbidium is a medium-light plant, afraid of sunlight exposure, like semi-shade, the growth process does not need strong light, especially in summer, avoid direct sunlight. Strong light can shorten the flowering period and affect the ornamental value, while weak light can prolong the flowering period. The light is shortened in winter, and the florescence can be earlier.

In the process of cultivation, in addition to strict control of water, light and temperature, fertilization should be scientific. Magnolia is a fertilizer-loving plant. When changing pots, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, topdressing nitrogen fertilizer every 20 days, and commonly used mature cake fertilizer. When topdressing, you should be careful not to touch the leaves so as not to suffer damage. When the orchid blossoms, add a bone powder or calcium superphosphate, can make the flower color bright, flowers increase. Proper cultivation and management, the magnolia blossoms once a year, or even twice a year, after the flowers withered from April to May, need to change pots, gently remove the stale leaf soil, pay attention not to break the fleshy roots, choose the right pot, plant it in time, and put more broken tiles at the bottom of the pot to facilitate drainage.

In winter, Cymbidium often appears the phenomenon of "entrapment" of florets before the false bulb grows. The main reason is that when the scape appears, it is affected by low temperature and low soil water content. As long as in the scape extraction period, properly heating and increasing the amount of water can prevent the occurrence of "clip arrow" phenomenon.

3. The common diseases of Cymbidium are:

1. Soft rot generally occurs in the lower leaf sheath. At the beginning, the disease spot is like a few oil droplets on the leaf, yellowish in color, watery and transparent. After the spread of disease spots around, often into a piece of irregular, gradually become brown soft rot, and finally rot. The cause of the disease is caused by the infection of Streptomyces oryzae. The inducing factors are: high temperature, high humidity, poor ventilation, lack of light, dust in the leaf sheath and so on. Prevention and treatment should be based on prevention, 0.5% Bordeaux solution can be used to spray after the attack, or medical penicillin, streptomycin, oxytetracycline and other drugs can be used to dilute to 5000 times of the liquid and spray, or wipe the disease spot, all have a certain effect.