
Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in orchids

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in orchids

In the cultivation and maintenance of orchids, one of the key points is the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Let's first take a look at the common diseases and insect pests in orchid cultivation, such as anthracnose, leaf blight, white silk disease, shell insects and red spiders. Below we will introduce to you the prevention and control methods of these common diseases and insect pests.

Prevention and treatment of anthrax: ① cut off the disease and burn the remains in time. ② improved the way it was watered by slowly injecting water from the edge of the flowerpot. After the new leaves of ③ sprouted in winter, Bordeaux solution was sprayed twice. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim 500 Mel 600 times liquid was sprayed. At the same time, ventilation and light transmission were strengthened to avoid foliar water spraying.

Leaf blight control methods: ① removal of diseased leaves and concentrated burning of diseased remains. ② should pay attention to ventilation and light transmission, prevent excessive watering, and avoid direct spraying of plants. ③ can be sprayed with 50% topiramate 600 mol 800 times solution. Once every 10 days or so, spray 3 Murray for 4 times.

Prevention and control methods of white silk disease: ① timely remove diseased leaves, diseased plants and diseased points, and can be disinfected with lime; wet basin soil with 1000 times solution of 30% soil seedling dewatering agent before setting. In the early stage of ②, 500 times of chlorothalonil can be used to spray leaves and roots.

Control methods of shell insects: when a small amount of ① occurs, you can use a soft brush to remove it, and then rinse with water. When there is more ②, 1000 times of the emulsion can be sprayed during the peak incubation period. When spraying, both the front and back of the leaves should be sprayed, and the leaves should be sprayed 4 times in a row, each time with an interval of 5 Murray for 7 days, then it will be basically extinct.

Red spider control method: the number of ① is small, can be removed with a brush or a small brush. Most of ② were killed with 1000 times of dicofol. ③ local method can ignite mosquito-repellent incense, put it in the basin of diseased plant, and cover it with plastic bag. After smoking for 1 hour, both eggs and adults are killed, and the plant is not affected.