
Propagation Management of White Orchid

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Propagation Management of White Orchid

The main propagation methods of white orchids are grafting and striping propagation, while sowing and cutting propagation are rarely used.

Grafting propagation is dominated by cutting and leaning grafting. Magnolia Magnolia which is dry and thick 0.6cm can be selected as rootstock in February ~ March and grafted in April ~ September, especially in May ~ June. Select the sturdy white orchid branches of the same thickness as the rootstock as scions, cut off the skin and part of the xylem of the rootstocks and scions by 6 cm in length (smooth), align and tightly combine the cambium of the two sides, and fasten them with plastic tape. After about 50 days, the grafting site healed and could be cut off from the mother plant. The new plant should first be placed in a sheltered place, open the cover in the evening, pay attention to the wind, so as not to break in the graft. Cutting can be done on a sunny day in the middle of March by using 1-2-year-old Magnolia magnolia as rootstock. After about 20ml for 30 days, the terminal bud shoots leaves. Thin fertilizer was applied in early June and stopped in late August. From October to November, you can dig up the basin and move it into the greenhouse for cultivation. Generally, the seedlings of the same year can be as high as 60-80cm, which is 3 or 4 times faster than that of grafting.

Air strips. From late June to early August, strong biennial branches were selected and girdled at 55 cm away from the top, and the width of the ring was 2.5 cm. Immediately after the ring peeling, lightly smear the incision with cotton wool dipped in B12 injection, then use the opposite bamboo tube or flowerpot and tile bowl to surround the ring, fasten it with rope and support it with a T-shaped wooden frame to fix the bamboo tube or flowerpot. Or cut the cortex with a knife, then wrap the wound with nutritious soil and moss, wrap it with plastic film on the outside, and often keep the rooting site moist, first fill it with broken tiles 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter and about 2 cm thick, and then fill it with culture soil. build solid, irrigate. After air pressing, pay attention to often watering the basin of pressed branches, so that the soil in the basin is moist and dry. About 1 month after pressing, cut off a small piece of bark with a sharp knife on the same branch 5 to 7 cm below the ring peeling, with a depth of 1/7 of the cross section of the branch. At the same time, an appropriate amount of 500 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution was applied to the basin. After that, it was cut in different directions in the same part every 10 days or so, in order to gradually reduce the nutrition and water relationship between the pressed branches and the mother, and force the pressed branches to absorb more water and nutrients from the soil in the basin. After cutting 3 to 4 times in this way, the girdling will heal and form nodules and root buds will appear. In order to let the pressed branches produce more and longer new roots, the branches can be cut 6 to 8 times in a row. Pruning must be carried out step by step, not in haste. To carefully observe the leaf color and growth of the pressed branches, if there is a phenomenon of Verticillium wilt, you should slow down the pruning speed or suspend pruning. Under normal circumstances, after 3 to 4 months of cutting and pressing, there are a lot of new roots, which can be cut off and planted in shade for about half a month, so as to transfer to normal management.

Cultivation management generally leaves the room after the Qingming Festival and before Grain Rain. Before leaving the house, you must change the basin, water it once when you leave the room, and every other day thereafter. In general, the small seedlings change the basin every 1 ~ 2 years, and the big seedlings change the basin from late April to early May in 3 ~ 4 years, which is beneficial to the root development. Watering is also the key to the cultivation of white orchids. After leaving the house in spring, it is better to be watered at noon, once every other day, but must be fully watered each time. Water should be watered every morning and evening in summer, and the frequency of water spraying should be increased at the height of summer. Water should be watered every 2-3 days in autumn, and watering should be controlled in winter to keep the basin soil moist. After flower picking and weak growth of cypress plants, it is necessary to reduce watering, so as to avoid excessive growth of branches and leaves or affect the growth. At the same time, the water temperature should not be too cold, it should be not much different from the basin soil. The white orchid has luxuriant branches and leaves and a long flowering period. it is necessary to apply rotten cake fertilizer every 10 days and supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering to facilitate the germination of new leaves and promote flowering. The Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Autumn and picking leaves once a year before the beginning of winter. The lowest indoor temperature is kept above 5 ℃ in winter. Summer should pay attention to the location, poor ventilation, vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. Diseased and dead branches should be cut off during the growing period. And cut off the long branches and remove some of the old leaves to restrain the tree potential and promote the bud gestation. The flower is in full bloom from June to July, and the fragrance of picking flowers in the morning is the fullest.