
I'll tell you how to raise white orchids.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, I'll tell you how to raise white orchids.

If you want to raise a white orchid well, you must first understand its growth habits. Magnolia flowers like warm, moist, should be well ventilated, have sufficient sunshine, afraid of cold, avoid dampness, do not like shade, and do not bear sunburn. Send out new shoots three times a year. In general, the first time is in late February, the second is in mid-June, and the third is in early August. Due to the growth and flowering after each germination, the flowering period is as long as 150 days.

White orchids are not resistant to cold, so they should be moved indoors before the middle of October and placed in a sunny place or in a greenhouse. If the room temperature is kept above 10 ℃, it is safe to pass the winter, and about 5 ℃ is easy to produce fallen leaves. When the cold wave comes, the indoor temperature is only 2 ℃-3 ℃. At night, you have to wrap the plant in a large plastic bag, tie the edge of the basin with a rope, and lift the plastic bag off the next day when the sun comes out. Control watering, basin soil should be a little dry, very dry, choose sunny noon watering. White orchid room time is generally after the Qingming Festival, before Grain Rain (early April to mid-April) is appropriate. Leave the house too early, may suffer frost, hurt young leaves; out of the room too late, because the branches and leaves have been released indoors, easy to produce thin leaves, weak branches, thus reducing resistance. The growth is not strong, it is advisable to delay getting out of the room for half a month. After the white orchid leaves the room, the basin floor should be padded high to facilitate drainage and avoid the occurrence of leaf yellow, rotten roots and so on.

Young white orchids generally change pots every 1-2 years, and can change pots every 4-5 years when they grow up. The time to change the basin is usually after leaving the room, about between late April and early May. The basin soil is rich in humus. The sandy soil with good drainage and slightly acidic is the most suitable, and 7 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil or mountain mud can be mixed. When changing the basin, you only need to eradicate the rot, do not trim the root, do not peel off the mud ball, and add a little culture soil.

If you want to cultivate a good white orchid, you should also turn it off, because the white orchid is fleshy root, the most afraid of waterlogging, watering a little negligent, it will cause disease or root rot. But it is also afraid of drought. in summer, as long as watering is slightly delayed, ginger burns and even burns tender shoots on the edge of the leaves. Poor growth and yellow leaves are often caused by improper watering, and diseased plants are more difficult to deal with. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control watering, do not water the basin soil if it is not dry. Summer and autumn is the peak growing season of white orchids, and the hot weather requires a lot of water. Generally, they are fully watered in the early morning and properly watered again in the evening depending on the degree of dryness and wetness of the basin soil. The amount of water will be reduced after mid-September. Don't make the basin stagnant after rain in summer and autumn.

The white orchid shoots three times a year, which has a long flowering period and consumes a lot of nutrients. It is necessary to apply topdressing frequently and supplement nutrients constantly. Generally, after the plant blossoms, 20% rotten bean cake water, fish water or chicken and duck dung water are applied once every 7-10 days. It is better to apply fertilizer in the evening in summer. Stop watering before application to dry the basin soil. If the weather is muggy and there is a southwest wind, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer. When fertilizing, if 0.2% ferrous sulfate can be added to the fertilizer solution, the leaf color can be greener. Stop fertilizing after the autumn is cool in October.

In addition, in order to concentrate nutrition to promote tender shoots, produce more buds and thicken flowers, it is necessary to pick leaves for white orchids. The leaves are picked 3 times a year. The first time was carried out in the greenhouse, around the Beginning of Spring (early February). Before picking the leaves, buckle the water to make the leaves soft and hang down, then pour enough water. 2-3 days after resuscitation, except for 2 leaves of the top leaves to observe the dry and wet conditions, the rest of the leaves are removed, but it is not suitable for diseased plants. The second leaf picking is in the open air, usually when the summer flowers are almost finished, around the Beginning of Autumn. The number of leaves removed depends on the sturdy degree of the plant. Generally, the leaves can be removed, and the leaves should not be removed for diseased, unhealthy plants. The third leaf picking is carried out just before entering the house after the autumn flowers, and only some leaves need to be picked properly.