
How to fertilize the grapes in the greenhouse? Skills of topdressing grape in greenhouse

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize the grapes in the greenhouse? Skills of topdressing grape in greenhouse

Grape is a very popular fruit in China. Grape has strong growth ability and can grow normally in most of the soil. At present, there are many grape planting patterns, but they are generally planted in greenhouses. When planting greenhouse grapes, we must pay attention to the work of topdressing. So how to get fat? The following editor brings you the skills of greenhouse grape topdressing, let's have a look!

1. Topdressing at root

The first thing to do well must be the root topdressing work. When the grape plant sprouts for the first time, we should pay attention to apply an appropriate amount of ternary compound fertilizer, and the amount of compound fertilizer per mu should be kept at about 50kg. Then the second topdressing work was carried out after the fruit expansion period, usually after the flower fell. Then the last topdressing was carried out before the fruit was harvested. The method of topdressing is generally based on ditch application. First, fertilizer ditches with deep 18cm and wide 20cm should be dug on both sides of the planting site, and then the fertilizer should be sprinkled into the ditch to cover the soil, and then watered properly.

2. Extra-root topdressing

Extra-root topdressing is not only suitable for open-field cultivation, but also has a good effect on grape in greenhouse. The time of extra-root topdressing is usually about a week before flowering, and we should spray foliar fertilizer about 3 times a week before flowering. Mainly urea, amino acid compound fertilizer and Jinbilai and other fertilizers. Then, after the flowers withered, foliar fertilizer was sprayed about three times every half a month or so to provide sufficient nutrition for grape growth and enhance the growth ability of grape leaves.

3. Carbon dioxide application

Now, when growing grapes, there are also methods of using carbon dioxide to fertilize. Carbon dioxide fertilization is to increase the amount of organic fertilizer in the soil, and then cover the ground with rice straw, improve the soil, improve soil permeability, can achieve the purpose of increasing carbon dioxide concentration. Ventilation can then be used to replenish indoor carbon dioxide until it is close to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 10:00-14:00 is the best ventilation time every day. Control the ventilation time according to the temperature. If the temperature reaches 25 degrees, then start to breathe until the vents are closed when it drops to 22 degrees.

In addition, we can also supplement carbon dioxide by applying solid carbon dioxide fertilizer. The above is a brief introduction to the topdressing techniques of greenhouse grapes. The topdressing of greenhouse grapes is very important, which directly affects the yield and quality of grapes, so we must pay more attention to it. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to all of you.