
When will autumn spinach be planted? Planting time and method of autumn spinach

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When will autumn spinach be planted? Planting time and method of autumn spinach

Spinach is a very common vegetable in our life, which is also called Persian food, parrot vegetable and so on. It belongs to an annual herb. Although it is native to Iran, it has been widely planted in our country. In the cultivation of spinach, generally spring spinach, autumn spinach-based. So when should autumn spinach be planted? How to plant it? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Planting time

As the name implies, autumn spinach is spinach grown in autumn. The planting time of autumn spinach is usually sown in August and can be harvested and listed in September-October after about 1-2 months. Because generally speaking, after the Beginning of Autumn every year, the temperature gradually decreases, and the lighting time also gradually shortens. At this time, the natural environmental conditions are very favorable for the growth of spinach, especially for vegetative growth, which can inhibit reproductive growth. Therefore, growing spinach at this time can increase the yield and improve the quality of spinach. Spring spinach is generally sown around March, as long as the temperature is kept above 5 degrees.

2. Planting method

Sowing and raising seedlings

Spinach is generally planted mainly by sowing. Seven days before the autumn spinach is sown, the spinach seeds should be soaked in water for about 10 hours. Then remove the seeds and put them at a temperature of about 4 degrees, treat them for a day, and then put the seeds at a temperature of 22 degrees to germinate. Then start raising seedlings, pour enough water on the border before raising seedlings, then gently rake the topsoil, sow the seeds into the soil, and then cover the border with a layer of plant ash. If the sun is still relatively strong, then it is necessary to build a small arch shed and sunshade net to keep the soil moist, and the seedlings will be ready after a week or so.

Water and fertilizer management

Autumn spinach seedlings in the growth of true leaves, we should pay attention to sprinkle a clear dung water. In the second true leaf, do a good job of weeding seedlings, topdressing should pay attention to the concentration of fertilizer, not too strong in the early stage, mainly mature farm manure. After entering the peak growth period, it is necessary to topdressing for about 3 times, and the fertilizer is mainly urea. Before emergence, if the soil moisture is good, then generally there is no need to water. Then after the second true leaf, watering should be based on the principle of watering a small amount of water to keep the soil moist. After 5 true leaves, the number and weight of leaves will increase, so it is necessary to water them with available nitrogen fertilizer.

Timely harvest

There is no great restriction on the harvest of autumn spinach, and unlike other three seasons of spinach, there is a fixed harvest period because of the bolting period. Therefore, after the autumn spinach is ripe, we can reasonably regulate the harvest period according to the changes in market demand. But in terms of quantity, it is best to harvest about two months after sowing. Under normal circumstances, the yield of autumn spinach is still very high. The yield per mu is about 3500kg, which may be higher.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting time and methods of autumn spinach. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.