
How to make the landscape flowers thicker in the high ball

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to make the landscape flowers thicker in the high ball

Landscape flowers are affirmed and promoted because of their rich performance effects, especially in golf courses, especially in large areas. But the relatively short viewing period always makes people feel imperfect, so how to prolong the viewing period of landscape flowers in the stadium and show the best viewing effect is worthy of attention.

Many varieties are matched skillfully. Reasonable collocation to prolong the ornamental period of each variety determines the speed of its germination and growth, the sequence of the early flowering period and the length of the flowering period. making use of these characteristics, a longer viewing period can be obtained.

Varieties sown at the same time can blossom in the shortest 40 days, such as buckwheat, impatiens, fragrant snowballs, etc.; those with a longer time generally bloom 60-80 days after sowing, such as zinnia, snake chrysanthemum, qu qu flower, and most varieties; the longest takes more than 3 months, such as chrysanthemum, sulfur chrysanthemum, and so on. With the combination of these three varieties, the flowering time can last from 40 days after sowing to about 100 days.

Perennial root variety occupies an important position in landscape flowers, its outstanding characteristic is that it can provide ornamental effect stably for many years, the florescence is also relatively long, and many of them can blossom many times. Another characteristic of it is that its germination and early growth are relatively slow, there are quite a number of varieties can not blossom in the year of sowing, some even do not bloom until the third year, and some varieties partially bloom in the same year. Therefore, we should fully consider these characteristics when selecting products to match with the 2012 varieties.

For example, in a combination, the persistent root variety can be used as a stable skeleton variety, while the 2012 variety can be used to enrich its expression. In this way, we can quickly present the ornamental effect of 2012 varieties in the early stage, and gradually transition to the stable performance of perennial varieties.

two。 Selecting varieties with longer green period to plant landscape flowers is easy to expose the ground in the early stage of growth, and this problem can be solved by planting some varieties with fast germination to cover the ground quickly. It is easy to fail after flowering, and it can be used by selecting appropriate proportion of varieties with longer green period, such as golden rooster chrysanthemum, perennial root blue flax, vulcanized chrysanthemum and so on.

3. The use of landscape flowers in combination with lawn and ground cover plants and the mixed use of some green period ground cover plants has been widely popularized. Lawn and ground cover plants can not only make up for the shortcomings of short viewing period of landscape flowers, but also play a foil role.

Manual proper pruning

Landscape flowers in the end of flowering, ruined flowers, withered branches and leaves will affect the ornamental effect. Proper removal of residual flowers and pruning of withered branches and leaves are the most direct and effective ways. In view of the different flowering periods of landscape flowers, removal should be carried out in batches rather than one-time pruning. Of course, if the planting area is large, this method requires a lot of work. After all the flowering period is over, a comprehensive pruning can be carried out to get a more neat effect.

For many perennial flower varieties and some 2012 varieties, such as Chrysanthemum morifolium, Chrysanthemum przewalskii, etc., there will be more than two flowering periods in a year, and if they are allowed to grow, the flowering effect will be greatly reduced. Flowers become smaller, withered branches and leaves remain, highly abrupt and so on. Combined with proper pruning, we can get a good landscape effect in many flowering periods.

Adjust the planting period 1. Autumn sowing We mostly pay attention to spring sowing in the sowing time of landscape flowers, but often ignore autumn sowing. Autumn sowing is first of all to select good varieties, biennial and perennial varieties can be carried out, Beijing in mid-late August, especially biennial varieties. After sowing in autumn, a good flowering effect can be obtained in the early spring of the following year, and the viewing period will be greatly advanced. The most typical is the February orchid in full bloom in early spring, and there are many similar varieties. As for perennial varieties, sowing in autumn is tantamount to preempting a growing season, laying a good foundation for normal flowering in the following year.

two。 Batch sowing begins in spring and can be sown in batches in the same area at intervals of one week, one month, or longer, so that continuous flowering can be achieved. In practice, the density of sowing, the way of the second sowing, the difference of varieties, and so on, need to be carefully considered.