
What are the benefits of raising pigs with baking soda? The role of baking soda in raising pigs

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What are the benefits of raising pigs with baking soda? The role of baking soda in raising pigs

Baking soda is a very common weak alkali substance in our life. If taken internally, it can neutralize stomach acid, dissolve mucus in the stomach, and improve the reserve of alkali. Now when raising pigs, many pig farmers will choose baking soda to raise pigs. Baking soda is good for the intestines and stomach of pigs. So what are the specific benefits of raising pigs with baking soda? Today, the editor will give you a brief introduction. Let's take a look at it.

1. Promote growth

As I just said, baking soda can neutralize stomach acid and has the effect of strengthening stomach, suppressing acid and increasing appetite. It can enhance the digestive ability of pigs, improve the utilization rate of nutrition, and adjust the acid-base balance of pigs. It can also supplement lysine in pigs, which is very beneficial to the growth of pigs. Some survey data show that when raising piglets, adding appropriate amount of baking soda to the feed can significantly increase the feed intake and daily gain of piglets. When fattening pigs were properly fed with about 3G baking soda, the daily gain could be increased by about 100g and the meat quality could be improved.

2. Prevent diarrhea

Baking soda buffers the blood tissue of pigs. It can enhance the resistance of pigs and reduce stress response. Sows in the 7 days before parturition and postpartum lactation, properly add some baking soda to the feed, can effectively prevent sow diarrhea. Moreover, it can also enhance the physique of sows, promote the recovery of growth as soon as possible, and avoid the occurrence of white dysentery in piglets. As a result, the survival rate of piglets can also be increased by about 5%, effectively reducing the disease and stress response of pigs.

3. Prevent heat stress

Pigs lack sweat glands, and in the hot summer season, the heat excretion of pigs is mainly carried out through breathing. If the energy or oxygen supply is insufficient, then the cell metabolism will produce lactic acid, leading to an increase in body fluid acidity and, in severe cases, acidosis in pigs. If fed with baking soda, it can absorb body fluids, stabilize the PH value of pigs, ensure the normal metabolism of cells, and effectively relieve heat stress. And in summer, it can also promote the heat dissipation of pigs, maintain the heat balance of pigs and avoid heatstroke.

4. Improve meat quality

When raising pigs, if you feed additives for a long time, it will have a great impact on the quality of pork. For example, antibiotics, and if the addition of baking soda, not only will not reduce the meat quality, but also can improve the quality. Because baking soda can reduce the acidity of meat, it is beneficial for people to eat meat with low acidity, and pork with low acidity has strong storage resistance. However, if it is not used properly, it will also have a certain impact on pigs. For example, if salt is fed with baking soda, it will increase sodium ions in pigs. Too much sodium ion will lead to edema in pigs, affecting the nerve center, resulting in movement disturbance.

So we must pay attention to baking soda, should control the amount of salt feeding, there are some vitamins B1, C and folic acid, to prevent counterproductive. The above is a brief introduction of the benefits of baking soda raising pigs, this article is for reference only, I hope it can help you!