
Methods of artificial pollination of corn and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Methods of artificial pollination of corn and matters needing attention

During the period of corn pollination, if the pollination effect is not good, artificial pollination can be adopted, which can make the corn grains full, seed complete, and achieve the effect of increasing yield and quality. So what is the method of corn pollination? What should we pay attention to when pollinating? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Pollination methods of corn

1. Collect pollen

Artificial pollination is the first time to collect pollen, the first thing is to find a container, put the container close to the male ear of corn, gently shake the ear, and shake the pollen off in the container. After that, the collected pollen is screened to remove the powder sac, glume and other sundries, so that the pollen is collected. Pollen should be applied in time after collection, usually at 8: 00-9: 00 in the morning on a sunny day. If too much water is collected prematurely, the pollen is easy to clump, which is not conducive to pollination.

2. Pollination

Pollination time is generally from 08:30 to 11:00, depending on the specific weather conditions, pollination to use the period of pollination, the pollen will be gently sprinkled on the filaments to complete pollination. Generally speaking, we should pollinate the female spike three times, respectively in the early, peak and late stages of silking, so as to better ensure the fertilization and fruit of pollen.

3. Other pollination methods

The previous pollination method has a high pollination rate, but when the workload is heavy, it is time-consuming and laborious. You can directly shake the corn plant to let the pollen fall, or find a rope and work together to make a slight shaking in the corn field, so that the pollen falls on the filament in the field, that is, artificial pollination is completed. Although this pollination is convenient, it is not as good as pollination after pollen collection.

II. Matters needing attention in artificial pollination of corn

The main results are as follows: 1. 5-7 days after the male removal of corn, the female ear begins to spin silk, and this process lasts about 5-7 days, and pollination is the best within 2-5 days after corn filament spitting out, when the pollination seed setting rate is high.

2, pollination time finally choose sunny day 8-11:00 in the morning, when there is no dew in the field, if early, dew will affect pollination.

3. It is not suitable for pollination when the temperature is higher than 35 degrees.

4. Pollination is best collected on the spot, and then collected after pollination, so as to prevent excessive pollination at one time, resulting in accumulation, pollen death and affecting pollination.

The above is the introduction of corn artificial pollination methods and matters needing attention. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.