
Planting technology and management of bitter chicory

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting technology and management of bitter chicory

Chicory, also known as bitter vegetables, bitter vegetables, is a very tender market, we often use it to mix cold dishes or rinse hot pot in our daily life, it also has heat-clearing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, eyesight and other effects. Many farmers want to plant it, but do not know how to grow it, so what is the planting method and time of chicory? Let's take a look.

1. Planting time and conditions

Bitter chrysanthemum likes cold climate and is more hardy. It can keep green when the temperature is as low as 5-10 degrees, and the seedlings can keep normal green during overwintering. It has a great demand for fertilizer and water, but it is not resistant to drought, so it is suitable for planting on fertile and loose sandy loam or clay. Its growth habit determines that it is suitable for planting in spring and autumn, and the temperature in these two seasons is suitable, which is more suitable for its growth than in summer and winter. Excellent seeds are selected in advance to stabilize yield and resistance to diseases and insect pests, so that high yield can be obtained.

2. Soil preparation and sowing

After selecting a good plot of land, first apply sufficient basic fertilizer, 1000-2000 kg of rotten farm manure can be applied per mu, and then make beds in soil preparation. It is required that the width of the border is about 80-100 cm, a ditch of about 8 cm should be opened on the border surface, and the distance between the ditches should be maintained about 12 cm, and then the selected excellent plants should be scattered evenly on it. Then cover a thin layer of soil with a thickness of about 0.5 cm.

3. Seedling stage management

Generally, seedlings can emerge after sowing for 4-5 days, and appropriate amount of water should be sprayed after emergence to avoid excessive dryness of the soil, which is very disadvantageous to the growth and development of seedlings. When seedlings grow to 4-5 true leaves, seedlings can be interplanted or replenished. At the same time, combined with mid-tillage weeding, diseased or weak seedlings will be pulled out in time and taken out of the field to burn or bury, to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests, loose soil is to pay attention to the action slightly, in order to prevent damage to the roots of the seedlings.

4. Fertilizer and water management

A small amount of water can be irrigated in the seedling stage of bitter chicory, and sufficient water in the vigorous growth period of stems and leaves. If the lack of water will make the bitter taste of bitter chrysanthemum too heavy, the amount of water can be reduced in the later growth stage. In the plant growth stage, according to the growth trend, 1000-1200 kg of mature farm manure can be used per mu. In addition, the main diseases and insect pests of bitter chicory are downy mildew, virus diseases, aphids, etc., in which downy mildew can be sprayed with 80% Sedford wet powder 500 times, virus diseases can be sprayed with 0% virus A wet powder 500 times, and aphids can be sprayed with 40% gram aphid star 800 times and 1000 times.

The above is the introduction of planting technology and management of chicory. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.