
What are the signs before the rabbit gives birth?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the signs before the rabbit gives birth?

The rabbit will be pregnant for a period of time, but there will be some changes before giving birth, and people with breeding experience will use these signs to judge the more specific time of birth. You can make some necessary preparations in advance, so that you won't be caught off guard when you produce. So what are the signs before the rabbit gives birth? let's find out together.

1. Prenatal signs

About 4 days before birth, the rabbit's breasts began to swell and swollen, with a small amount of milk secretion, sunken abdomen, and redness and swelling of the vulva. Will eat very little, or do not eat. One or two days before birth, they begin to pick up their own hair to make their own nests, and even pluck their own hair. But generally speaking, rabbits born for the first time do not make nests. In the real prenatal period, there will be pain, uneasiness and gripping.

2. Points for attention

Prenatal care should be taken to move the rabbit to a more private place. Clean the rabbit cage. It needs to be put in a large rabbit cage to avoid trampling on rabbits because the space is too small. The cloth is placed on the bottom of the rabbit cage. Wear gloves to touch the rabbit to avoid bacterial infection. The mother rabbit can feed some soaked soybeans after delivery, which has the effect of promoting milk. It is necessary to prepare some brown sugar hot water, which is nutritious.

3. Supplement nutrition

After the female rabbit is pregnant, she can be fed with nutritious feed and pay attention to supplementary nutrition. Mainly supplement vitamins, protein and inorganic salts, but generally feed feed that is easy to digest and absorb. Mainly feed concentrate feed, inorganic salt feed, the common feed is wheat bran, bean cake, bean dregs, bone meal, feed should pay attention to add some salt. Also feed forage, hay, or fresh grass.

4. Management and maintenance

The rabbit is born without hair, body temperature must be guaranteed, we need to prepare the rabbit nest, transferred from the rabbit cage to the nest to keep warm, to let the mother rabbit feed the rabbit, the breast milk has some mineral ingredients, which is beneficial to the growth of the rabbit. In order to feed more milk, you can feed more green fodder. Pay attention to cleaning the rabbit nest every day. Rabbits can be fed a small amount of feed for a month.

Rabbits will have some maladjustment and physical changes after giving birth, all of which are normal reactions. Aquaculture only needs to pay attention to preparing something and feeding nutrition. The management of born rabbits.