
What is the origin of onions?

Published: 2024-10-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/16, What is the origin of onions?

Onion, just by its name, is not a vegetable native to China, but a foreign vegetable, but it has been introduced for many years and is now widely cultivated in our country. The planting yield is also considerable, and the cultivated varieties are also different. But now after many years of cultivation in our country, we can know where the main producing area is, so that we can also understand the growing environment of onions.

1. Main producing areas

Onions originated in West Asia and Central Asia and were introduced to China from the Western Han Dynasty. At present, the main producing areas are Yutai, Jinxiang and Shanxian in Shandong, Jiuquan and Wuwei in Gansu, Xichang in Sichuan, and Dongchuan and Yuanmou in Yunnan. And Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province. The quality of onions produced in Shandong is the best. Secondly, it is also planted in some parts of Taiwan.

2. Temperature and humidity

For temperature adaptability, the temperature span is relatively large, such as bulbs can sprout gradually above 3 degrees, grow well above 12 degrees after emergence, and persist at about 7 degrees without harming the seedlings. The growth of stems and leaves is better at about 20 degrees. During the period of normal growth and bulb expansion, it is better to grow at about 25 degrees. The germination needs to meet the moisture, the seedlings need to control the humidity, the growing period needs continuous water, the expansion period needs the most water, do not water before winter, keep the dry soil.

3. Lighting

Onions belong to long-day crops, which must grow under long-day conditions in order to expand the bulb smoothly. And if you want to harvest seeds, flowering and bolting need long sunshine. Therefore, it can be seen that short-day light can not form inflated bulbs, but has no effect on long leaves. Lighting not only takes a long time, but also requires strong light.

4. Soil

In areas where onions are grown, suitable soil is also a major factor for planting. It is best to plant in fertile fluffy soil, the soil is acidic and alkaline, preferably neutral soil, slightly acidic and alkaline soil has little influence, and can also be planted. But sandy loam is the most suitable for growth and the yield is higher. After all, the onion root system is weak, and the sandy loam does not accumulate water and does not harden, which is beneficial to the root growth. In addition, the onion planted in clay loam is of good quality and can be stored for a long time.

Onion producing area is representative of the above introduction, the main producing area is Shandong, the production place is generally good growth conditions, the growth environment is more suitable for onions. This paper mainly introduces the requirements of essential factors for the growth of onions.