
The reason why sheep can't eat long.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The reason why sheep can't eat long.

Farmers who have been raising sheep for a long time know that sometimes they will encounter and feed a lot of feed, but the feed conversion rate is not high, the weight of the sheep does not gain, or the sheep does not grow. Friends who have just started breeding may not know why. I don't know how to do it. Well, today we are mainly going to introduce the content in this aspect.

1. Cause of occurrence

The common reason is that the breed of sheep is a kind of slow growth, or the sheep has parasites, which will consume the nutrients absorbed by the sheep, or the nutrition of the feed is not good and the collocation is unreasonable, which is not conducive to the absorption and utilization of feed nutrients. It is also possible that sheep have digestive tract diseases, indigestion and so on. So it affects absorption. The last possibility is the stiff sheep, that is, the sheep whose growth has stopped, can be eliminated directly.

1. Solve insect pests

The living environment of sheep is not good, the breeding environment is not good, or their own regular deworming work has not been done well, coupled with the fact that sheep often graze in the wild. Prone to parasites, including body surface parasites. Common parasites are lice, ticks, filariasis and trematodes. You can only use medicine to disinfect insects, use ivermectin, and take a bath with Chinese herbal medicine.

2. Nutrition improvement

Can not always feed roughage, can absorb very few nutrients, but will vinegar essence gastrointestinal absorption. This is not good, but also can not always feed concentrate feed, reduce digestive capacity, become a nutritional burden. Can't be absorbed. Generally, concentrate and roughage should be used together and eat more fresh forage. Also add some essential mineral elements for growth, such as calcium, iron and so on. Feed is prepared according to the formula.

3. Promote digestion

Sheep may sometimes have indigestion, sometimes some symptoms of inflammation, so they may not eat, after eating, the digestibility is very low, and the growth of sheep is not good. You can feed rhubarb soda tablets, feed them in the morning and evening, and observe the situation after a few days. If there is no effect, it may be better to use Chinese medicine. Boiled water such as Hawthorn and malt is fed. Effective treatment by feeding for a few days.

It may be these problems that feed sheep but do not grow. Therefore, it needs to be improved, and such problems need to be prevented. In this way, there is no problem.