
How do Milan flowers grow? Milanese flower cultivation skills sharing

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How do Milan flowers grow? Milanese flower cultivation skills sharing

Milan flower

Milan, are you all familiar with it? At the mention of Milan, you can think of football, but what we are going to talk about today is not Milan, but Milan flowers. Recently, a flower friend asked me to write about Milan flowers. I don't know where to start and think about it for a moment. Let's talk about it from its daily maintenance. If you want to raise Milan flowers well, just pay attention to these five points.

1. Location selection

Because Milan likes warmth, heat, light and shade tolerance, it is best to put it in a place with more ventilation and sunshine for more than half a day, so that Milan can grow well, blossom many times and smell full of flowers.

2. Soil selection

Milan prefers acidic soil, so in the choice of soil, you can consider mountain mud, but you don't need to use it all. Generally, the basin soil in Milan should choose loose, fertile, well-drained humus soil (next time introduce in detail how to make humus soil), and then mix in a little sand and mud (both permeable and acidic). If it is not so easy to find humus soil, you can also use loose and fat loess mixed with 30% rice chaff ash or orchid mud.

3. Watering

Milan like to be wet, but they can't get too wet. Generally speaking, the soil in Milan basin can only be watered when it is dry and white on the surface. When watering, it must be watered thoroughly, taking the water flowing out from the bottom of Milan basin as the standard.

In the hot or dry season, in order to achieve the purpose of humidification, you can choose to spray the leaves with clean water before sunset in the afternoon, or sprinkle water on the ground near the potted Milan to increase the humidity in the air, but the water should be evenly sprinkled.

Friends who raise Milan in the north should pay special attention, because the water and alkali in the north is large and often watered, which will make the soil alkaline, but Milan likes acidic soil, which will not only affect Milan's flowering, but also lead to Milan's death. How to identify the alkalinity of the soil? The alkaline soil shows that the Milan leaves are not fresh green and yellowish. If you want to save it at this time, you should pour 0.1% black alum (ferrous sulfate) every 10 days or so.

4. Fertilization

Fertilization is also essential to the cultivation of Milan, not only to ensure that the fertilizer is adequate, but also to apply it properly, why? Milan blossoms on new branches, the more times it blossoms, the more nutrients it consumes. If it is not fertilized in time, after blooming once, it will not be so easy to make it blossom for the second time.

How do you fertilize it? Fertilization in Milan can be applied with rotten organic fertilizer, combined with changing pots in summer as base fertilizer, or scattered in the growing season and mixed with topsoil. During the peak growth period and flowering period, 10 times rotten liquid fertilizer mixed with 500 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied every 20 days, or 1000 times flower more general fertilizer can be applied once, and fertilization will be stopped in autumn and winter.

5. Prevent the cold from overwintering

Overwintering against the cold is very important for flowers. The key to keeping Milan well in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is to survive the winter. There are no more than two reasons for the death of raising Milan in these areas: one is that he was frozen to death by the wind and cold too early when he came out of the house, and the other was that he overwatered too much rotten roots and died when he was indoors.

Milan's cold tolerance is worse than that of jasmine. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Milan enters the house at the end of November and overwinters, and can not leave the room until the end of April and the beginning of May the following year. If the room temperature is above 5 ℃, you can survive the winter safely. What if it is very cold during this time? What should we do?

If the temperature drops below 5 ℃, you can cover it with a plastic bag and place it on the cabinet and under the bed where the temperature is higher for a few days. When the temperature is high in March, do not open windows to Milan for ventilation, let alone move Milan out to bask in the sun. Because Milan is relatively weak after overwintering indoors, and the temperature changes greatly at this time. If the northwest wind blows and suffers from the cold, it will certainly lead to the death of a large number of fallen leaves in Milan.