
The characteristics of the new mango variety Tainong No.1 is the sugar content of the mango tasty?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, I'm sure you've all heard the names of mango, such as Ai Wen mango, Jinhuang mango and native mango. It may be a little strange to Tainong No. 1 mango, because the output of Tainong No. 1 mango is not much, and it doesn't look good. When I first ate it, it was the same.

I believe everyone must have heard of mango names such as Aiwen mango, Jinhuang mango and native mango, but they may be a little strange to Tainong No. 1 mango, because the output of Tainong No. 1 mango is not much, and its appearance is not good. When I first ate it, it was also because the fruit vendors I knew strongly recommended that it was delicious. When I smelled it with curiosity, I found that the mango aroma was super charming, so I bought several mangoes to eat. The three of us fell in love with Tainong No.1 mango, but if Ai Wen and Tainong No.1 mango were served at the same time, Xiao Yu would prefer Ai Wen mango and Richard would prefer Tainong No.1 mango, but I didn't like mango very much in the first place, so I wouldn't rush to eat mango with Xiao Yu or Richard, but if I were really asked to choose, Tainan No.1 mango would still be more popular with me.

Tainong No. 1 mango was bred by Fengshan Tropical Horticultural experiment of Agricultural Test Institute in 1985. The plant is the most dwarf, the leaf is slightly wavy, the fruit is flat-ovate, weighs about 200 grams, the sunny side is light red, it can be harvested with yellow fruit on the tree, and the hard ripe fruit can be harvested for ripening at 8-9 minutes. It is the most easy to accelerate ripening among the existing varieties. After ripening, the peel is golden yellow, which is quite beautiful. Fruit sweetness as high as 16~22Brix, rich aroma, pulp slightly hard resistant to transport, less moisture resistant to storage, seeds account for 12% of pulp, excellent quality, strong resistance to anthracnose, is the best variety for labor-saving cultivation.

Tainong No. 1 mango has few diseases and insect pests and high yield. the fruit is sweet with the aroma of earthy mango and the pulp fiber is very fine. it is said that it has just been bred with a slight resin flavor, and my mango has no resin flavor at all, only a pleasant mango flavor. The skin color is very golden, there is almost no anthrax stain, there are few defects in the flesh, the mango flavor is very strong and the taste is very good. There are a few small mangoes that do not grow up, but they originally wanted to be thrown away, but they looked very lovely and tasted good. I tried it under curiosity, but I didn't expect it to be sweeter and more fragrant.

This is Taiwan's agricultural scientific and technological achievement. Tainong No.1 is the pride of the Taiwanese. I plan to plant Tainong No.1 litchi and guava again. Tainong No.1 mango gives me great confidence in all the seedlings of Tainong No.1. Tainong No. 1 generally has a high fruit rate and stable quality: Tainong No. 1 litchi (Cuiyu lychee) tastes like jade purse, and the fruit rate is high and nearly black leaf litchi. It's not as difficult as a jade purse. Tainong No. 1 guava (Emperor's pull) is made of childless guava and pearl guava. The fruit has less flesh, and its sweetness and brittleness is better than that of pearl guava. It may replace pearl guava to become the mainstream of the market in the future, so Tainong No. 1 can call me number one!