
How to prevent and control common diseases of flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to prevent and control common diseases of flowers

Bacterial diseases and their control. The common bacterial diseases of flowers are soft rot, root cancer, bacterial perforation and so on. Prevention and control of ① soft rot: first, the storage place should be disinfected with 1% formalin solution and pay attention to ventilation and dryness. Second, the implementation of crop rotation, potted plants had better change the new soil once a year. Flower diseases can be divided into four categories: fungal diseases, virus diseases, bacterial diseases and nematode diseases.

Fungal diseases and their control. There are more than ten kinds of common flower fungal diseases, which are classified according to different control methods as follows: ① powdery mildew, anthracnose, black spot, brown spot, leaf spot, gray mold and other diseases: one is to remove the dead branches and leaves in late autumn or early spring and cut off the diseased branches and leaves in time and burn them. The second is to spray 65% Daimen zinc 600 times solution before the onset of the disease; the third is to apply reasonable fertilization and watering, paying attention to ventilation and transparent light; and fourth, to spray 50% carbendazim, or 50% thiophanate 500 times, 800 times, or 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, 800 times. Methods for the prevention and control of ② rust: in addition to the above-mentioned three methods, spray 97% chlorpromazine 250m 300 times solution (add 0.1% washing powder) or 25% vermicellin 2000m 3000 times after onset. The prevention and control methods of ③ blight and root rot are as follows: first, disinfect the soil, treat the soil with 1% formalin or steam the cultivated soil in a pot for 1 hour; second, watering should be dry and wet to avoid stagnant water. Third, at the initial stage of the disease, the rhizosphere was irrigated with 50% Dysenamine 300 murine 400 times solution, 2 kg-4 kg per square meter.

The prevention and control methods of ④ white silk disease and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum: one is to use 1% formalin or 70% pentachloronitrobenzene to treat the soil, about 5-8 grams of pentachloronitrobenzene per square meter, mixed with 30 times fine soil and applied to the soil; the second is to select disease-free seedlings or soak in 70% topiramate 500 times solution for 10 minutes before planting; the third is to carry out crop rotation to avoid continuous cropping; fourth, watering should be reasonable and drainage should be timely after rain. Prevention and treatment of ⑤ soot disease: after the disease, scrub the diseased branches and leaves with clean water and spray 50% carbendazim 500 Mel 800 times solution.

(2) virus disease and its control. In recent years, virus disease has risen to a position second only to fungal diseases, it can harm a variety of valuable flowers, such as daffodils, orchids, carnation, lilies, dahlias, tulips, peonies, peony, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, African chrysanthemum and so on. Its symptoms are mosaic, etiolation, leaf curling, deformity, cluster dwarf, necrosis and so on. The virus is mainly transmitted by piercing and sucking insects, grafting, mechanical damage and so on. Once the disease occurs, it is difficult to prevent and cure, so the prevention and treatment of viral diseases should pay more attention to prevention and comprehensive prevention. The main measures for virus control include: selecting good varieties with disease resistance and disease resistance, which is the fundamental way to control virus diseases; strictly selecting non-toxic breeding materials, such as roots, tubers, bulbs, seeds, seedlings, cuttings, scions, rootstocks, etc.; eradicate weeds and reduce the source of virus infection; appropriate spraying 40% dimethoate emulsion 1000mur1500 times to eliminate aphids, whiteflies and other virus-transmitting insects Diseased plants are removed and burned in time. Hands and tools that have come into contact with diseased plants should be washed with soapy water to prevent human contact transmission. Warm heat treatment, such as general seeds, can be soaked in 50 ℃-55 ℃ warm soup for 10 minutes for 15 minutes.

Strengthening cultivation management, paying attention to ventilation and light transmission, reasonable fertilization and watering, promoting the growth of flowers and plants can reduce the harm of virus.

Third, timely control of pests, from the early spring began to pay attention to the selection of phoxim and other domestic medicine to control underground pests. The fourth is to irrigate the rhizosphere soil of diseased plants with 600 murine 800 times solution of dioxone in time after the disease. Prevention and treatment of ② root cancer: first, when planting, first use disease-free seedlings or crop rotation or treat the soil with pentachloronitrobenzene, and turn it into the soil with 6% powder, 8 grams of fine soil and 0.5kg of fine soil per square meter. The second is to remove the tumor immediately after the disease and disinfect it with 0.1% liter of mercury water. Prevention and treatment of ③ bacterial perforation: first, spray 65% Dysen zinc 600x solution before onset. The second is to remove the injured site and destroy it in time. Third, at the initial stage of the disease, 50% antiseptic 800 Mel 1000-fold solution was sprayed.

(4) nematode disease and its control. Nematode diseases mainly damage flowers such as Compositae, Primulaceae, Rosaceae, Impatiens, Begoniaceae and so on. The main symptom is the occurrence of nodules on the host host root and lateral root. Control method: ① implements crop rotation, which is a very effective control measure. ② improved the cultivation conditions. Turning the soil several times in the summer can eliminate a large number of pathogenic nematodes, remove diseased plants, diseased bodies and wild hosts, and fertilize and water reasonably to make the plants grow healthily. ③ soil was disinfected and cultured soil was steamed with steamed verdant for about 2 hours. ④ hot water treatment, soaking the infected parts for reproduction in hot water (10 minutes at 50 ℃ and 5 minutes at 55 ℃) can kill nematodes without harming the host. ⑤ drug control, 3% carbofuran granules per square meter about 25 grams (this medicine is highly toxic, must pay attention to safety), apply it evenly into the soil, covered with about 10 cm thick soil, water, valid for about 45 days, and can also treat a variety of other pests.