
How often do you water the magnolia? How to keep it exuberant?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How often do you water the magnolia? How to keep it exuberant?

Some people say it's hard to raise Clivia, some say it's easy. The trick is in watering, but the watering of Clivia is not an easy thing, even if the people who have been raising Clivia for many years sometimes do not understand how often Clivia is watered? How can clivia be nurtured to flourish?

How often do you pour water?

For any plant, there is no exact rule of watering once a few days. Clivia watering cannot be specified by specific days and times. Because the season is different, the breeding environment, the surrounding temperature and humidity, the use of pots and other aspects of the conditions are different, if the dead set to give it a specific time to water, will only cause excessive watering root rot or excessive water shortage root dry.

In general, we are based on the growth state of Clivia, the season, pot soil dry and wet state of these aspects to decide whether to water. When the pot soil is dry, it needs to be watered in time. However, watering should not be done at one time to prevent ponding in the basin and cause rotten roots.

2. Watering methods in different seasons:

(1)Pouring once a day in spring;

(2)Summer watering, available fine spray kettle will be foliar and surrounding ground watering together, sunny day watering 2 times;

(3)Pouring once every other day in autumn;

(4)Every other day in winter; once a week or less in winter.

2 How can the seed grow strong?

1, the temperature is appropriate

It likes humid and semi-cloudy environment, very afraid of cold, when the temperature is below 5 degrees, it will let it enter the dormant period. Therefore, it is best to grow at a temperature between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. If it is greater than 30 degrees Celsius, the plant will no longer grow, and the leaves will become very long and dense, greatly reducing the ornamental value.

2. Suitable humidity

Humidity depends on the specific situation, to meet the needs of the leaves for moisture, but the humidity should not be higher than 90%, otherwise it will make the leaves grow.

3. Appropriate lighting

Clivia is a flower that likes shade. Clivia grows phototropically. As long as there is enough astigmatism and good ventilation, it is very suitable for Clivia growth.

4. Suitable watering

Pouring once a day in spring; watering in summer, watering leaves and surrounding ground together with fine spray kettle, watering twice a day in sunny days; watering once every other day in autumn; watering once a week or less in winter.