
What is the reason for curling bean leaves?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the reason for curling bean leaves?

Bean is a common vegetable in our life, which is planted in every household in rural areas, but the phenomenon of curling leaves will appear when planting, which seriously affects the photosynthesis of leaves and directly affects the yield. So what is the bean curl all about? Let's take a look.

1. Drug damage

The curling of bean leaves may be caused by spraying too many pesticides on other crops, causing pesticide to spread to bean leaves, which is a common phenomenon in rural areas. When the leaves curl caused by drug damage, the leaves should be washed with water in time, the concentration should be reduced, the period should be restored as soon as possible, or the light should be increased to reduce the harm caused by pesticides.

2. Shortage of water and fertilizer

When the bean cultivation is insufficient of water and fertilizer, it will also lead to the curl phenomenon of the bean leaf. At high temperature, the bean leaf transpiration is larger, the water evaporation is large, if the lack of water will shrink. At this time, it is necessary to properly water the beans to supplement the water supply, in the air drying is to properly spray water, increase air humidity, at the same time appropriate amount of fertilizer, the effect of increasing production is obvious.

3. Lack of light

Beans are plants that like plenty of light. If there is not enough sunlight in the planting process, its leaves will gradually curl up until they turn yellow to death. Therefore, sufficient light must be ensured when planting. If the lower leaves can not get sufficient light because of the dense growth, they can be pruned in time to increase permeability. In addition, a large amount of water should be supplied under strong light to prevent the leaves from withering.

4. Diseases and insect pests

If the bean is damaged by diseases and insect pests, its root system can not grow and develop normally in the soil, and the leaves will curl, yellowish and dry up in the aboveground part. At this time, it is necessary to cut off the branches and leaves harmed by diseases and insect pests in time to keep the growth environment ventilated and smooth, and it is also possible to apply fertilizer properly and spray corresponding chemical control.

The above is the reason for the introduction of bean curls, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.