
What kind of vegetables are suitable for growing in August

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What kind of vegetables are suitable for growing in August

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was August. In July, it was already hot all over the country. In August, the temperature in some areas would become higher, but although it would be hot for a while, the weather would gradually cool down. So what vegetables are suitable for planting at this time? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian.

1. Radish

It is said that winter is the season to eat radish and summer is ginger. Winter is the season to eat radish. Although radish can be planted all year round, autumn is the best time to plant radish. At this time, radish planted is the best to eat, especially after frost. Radish can be planted from late August and can last until mid-October, and carrots are generally sown in mid-August.

2. Spinach

Spinach has a high nutritional value, rich in carotene, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals and other more than 100 kinds of nutrients, especially if children eat more spinach, it is beneficial to grow up. Autumn spinach can generally be sown in late August, because spinach grows slowly and generally takes 60 days to harvest, so the sowing time is earlier.

3. Mustard

The second day is the best time to plant shepherd's purse. Generally, shepherd's purse can be planted in July and August. Its adaptability is strong, and the growth speed of leaves is extremely fast. Generally, it can harvest shepherd's purse leaves after planting for about 50 days.

4. Water spinach

Water spinach is also one of the common vegetables in summer, its heat resistance is very good, vitality is very strong, and other vegetables are different, it can also be cut propagation, after survival can also be harvested several times. The temperature conditions in August are still very suitable for planting water spinach, but it is best to carry out germination work before planting to improve the germination rate of seeds and avoid the problem of low germination rate and slow germination speed after seed sowing.

5. Green beans

Green beans can also be planted all year round, but because green beans are not resistant to frost and are afraid of high temperatures, sowing around the beginning of autumn is the best time. And not only suitable for planting in the garden, but also in their own balcony can be planted, but in indoor planting, it is recommended to choose short and strong varieties, can also be planted beans.

The above is an introduction to what vegetables are suitable for planting in August. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.