
Causes and treatment methods of yellowing of asparagus leaves

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Causes and treatment methods of yellowing of asparagus leaves

Asparagus has extended branches and leaves, tall and straight stems and beautiful shape, which represents a kind of elegant literature in many minds, and many people will plant this plant at home. The yellowing of leaves often occurs in the process of planting, so what is the reason for this? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Lack of nutrients

In the cultivation of asparagus, it is necessary for the soil to provide sufficient nutrients. If the nutrients are insufficient, the leaves of asparagus will have abnormal changes, and all other parts of asparagus except the leaves are normal, and there is nothing abnormal in the root system. The yellowing of leaves is gradual, and the leaves become more and more yellow every day. For this situation, we can judge the lack of soil nutrients, it is suggested that we should apply enough base fertilizer when planting, and then topdressing the soil every other month, so that the leaves will not turn yellow.

2. Stagnant water

Stagnant water causes the leaves of asparagus to turn yellow, and the yellowing caused by such symptoms and other reasons can be easily distinguished. First of all, we should observe the leaves to see if they are full and whether they look like they are short of water. If they cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, they can touch them with their hands to see if the soil is moist again. For the leaves caused by stagnant water yellowing, you can drain the water from the bottom of the basin, or change a basin directly, and then control watering to avoid stagnant water.

3. Accumulate fertilizer

If the leaves of asparagus appear yellowing, but on the surface, asparagus still has some vitality, and some new branches and leaves will grow, but the new branches and leaves will gradually taste bitter. At the same time, the lowest root system of asparagus will gradually change color, and finally the root system will become black and rotten. If asparagus appears the symptoms mentioned above, it can be judged that the leaves are yellowed because of too much fertilizer. For this language, it is suggested to change the basin and soil as soon as possible, clean up the rotten roots in time, and then prepare some nutrient solution for asparagus after re-transplanting to promote it to return to normal as soon as possible.

4. Strong light

Strong light exposure will also lead to asparagus leaves yellowing, but this reason leads to leaf yellowing is very easy to show, but also the easiest to judge. Asparagus likes to grow in a cool environment, strong light exposure will cause it extremely uncomfortable, at this time, just move it to a cool environment, or proper shade. After this, the asparagus leaves will slowly recover, if not, then it is caused by other reasons.

The above is the introduction of the causes and treatment methods of the yellowing of asparagus leaves. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.