
What should I do if the leaves of leek turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, What should I do if the leaves of leek turn yellow?

Leek is a common market in daily life, which has a wide range of planting, but the leaves of leek will turn yellow when planting, which seriously affects the yield and quality. So what is the cause of the yellowing of leek leaves? What should I do? Let's get to know it.

First, the reason for the yellowing of leek leaves

1. Soil acidification

Chives like neutral soil, if long-term application of cake fertilizer, ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and other acidic fertilizers, it will cause soil acidification, making leek growth slow, slender, outer leaves yellowing phenomenon.

2. Harmful gas damage

The application of a large amount of ammonium bicarbonate before the buckle shed and urea on the ground and ammonium sulfate on the alkaline soil are very easy to produce ammonia during decomposition, resulting in ammonia damage, and excessive accumulation of nitrous acid will also cause gas poisoning.

3. High temperature and cold injury

When the spraying temperature is above 35 degrees for a long time, and the air is relatively dry, it is very easy to cause burning leaves, sometimes sudden sunny after continuous rainy days, or sudden invasion of cold air when high temperature, which will make leek yellowing at night or the whole leaf.

4. Imbalance of trace elements

Leek growth in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also a variety of trace elements, once the lack of these elements will also appear yellow leaf phenomenon, such as zinc deficiency will appear new leaves, magnesium deficiency outer leaves yellowing and death, boron deficiency will lead to heart leaf yellowing.

What should I do if the leaves of Chinese chives turn yellow?

1. Increase the application of organic fertilizer

Reasonable collocation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, supplement of trace elements to ensure a uniform and adequate supply of plant nutrition, according to the fertilizer characteristics of leek, pay attention to the application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in the stubble period. From September to October, or before the shed, 50-75 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer was applied per mu, combined with 10-15 kg of trace elements, and foliar fertilizer was sprayed 2-3 times during the growing period.

2. Timely watering

In general, the watering interval of sandy soil is shorter, the interval of clayey soil is longer, and the soil moisture is dispersed by ploughing and loosening soil after watering to increase soil permeability.

3. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

With regard to the harm of less leek maggots, the insecticide with high efficiency and low toxicity can be irrigated every 3-5 days in August-September or in front of the shed. When the leek is 5-10 cm, apply trichlorfon powder along the ridge, 2-2.5 kg per mu. Or with octane scale and chlorpyrifos diluted with water to the quasi-leek root irrigation, and then watering, the effect is better, effectively reduce the yellow leaf phenomenon caused by diseases and insect pests.

The above is the leek leaves yellow how to do introduction, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.