
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Begonia flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Culture methods and matters needing attention of Begonia flower

Begonia is a flower plant of Rosaceae, which has the laudatory name of "Guoyan" in our country. It is also a unique kind of flower in China, although it is widely distributed in the wild, but now it also has a certain artificial cultivation area. Begonia flower not only has a high ornamental value, its fruit can also be used as medicine, and can be eaten fresh and processed, so it is welcomed by many people. So the editor brings you the breeding method of crabapple flowers today, let's have a look!

1. Methods of reproduction

There are many ways to reproduce crabapple flowers. If it is grafting, then the mountain bauhinia, crabapple fruit Liriodendron seed and so on as the grafting rootstock of begonia flower. Branch grafting, bud grafting and other methods can be used around August every year. If it is sowing, then autumn sowing or spring sowing is the main method. If the seeds are sown in spring, the seeds must first be treated with low temperature for 1-3 months before they can be sown. And spring can also be used for striping and root insertion. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is moist and fertile after planting. It is necessary to prune properly once a year to improve permeability and do a good job in fertilizer and water management, so as to achieve the goal of flourishing branches and leaves.

2. Transplanting and planting

When transplanting crabapple flowers, if it is a large seedling, then it is mainly transplanting with soil, and if it is a small seedling, it should be determined according to the actual situation. After planting, it is necessary to strengthen the management of seedlings and keep the soil soft and fertile. The soil can be changed appropriately in autumn and winter every year. Then cut off the withered branches, weak branches, disease and insect branches and other branches after falling leaves. Improve the dispersion of the crown and promote ventilation and light transmission. In order to ensure the flowering rate and quality of crabapple flowers, the overgrown branches should be cut short in time to prevent excessive nutrition consumption.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Begonia flower drought tolerance is relatively strong, in planting, to avoid stagnant water, to keep the soil moist. However, the soil should not be too short of water, if it is too short of water, then the roots can not breathe, prone to dry coke, and in serious cases, it will lead to water shortage and death of the plant. The watering time should be adjusted according to the seasonal change, which is usually about 4 days in spring, 2 days in summer, and 1-2 weeks in autumn and winter. We should apply fertilizer reasonably according to the growth of begonia flowers. When begonia leaves fall in autumn, we should apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, not too much nitrogen fertilizer, so as to avoid overgrowth and cause diseases and insect pests. Then an appropriate amount of mature farm manure should be applied every spring, and the amount of fertilizer can be increased during the peak growth period.

4. Points for attention

Most of the crabapple flowers are positive, like to be exposed to strong light, and their shade tolerance is relatively poor. If there is not enough light in the growth process, it will lead to the growth of begonia flowers, bleak leaf color, gradual yellowing, reduced ornamental value, and will be disturbed by diseases and insect pests. Then the temperature should be adjusted reasonably according to the growth period of begonia flowers to meet the temperature demand of crabapple flowers. The temperature should not be too high, shading and cooling should be done well in summer. However, we should also pay attention to heat preservation in winter. if the temperature is too low, it is easy to freeze and affect the winter.

The above is a brief introduction to the methods of crabapple flower culture. Crabapple flower culture should do a good job in management, especially in terms of temperature, water and fertilizer, to ensure the normal growth of crabapple flowers. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.