
Control methods of pomegranate fruit rot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Control methods of pomegranate fruit rot

Fruit rot is a common disease of pomegranate, with an incidence of 20% Mel 30%, which will seriously affect the yield and quality of pomegranate and bring greater losses to growers. So what are the symptoms of fruit rot? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look.

1. Symptoms

The fruit rot caused by brown rot pathogen mostly occurred in the near maturity of pomegranate, light brown water immersion spots appeared on the pericarp at the initial stage of the disease, and expanded rapidly, the disease part will appear grayish brown mildew layer, and the internal fruit will rot with it. The diseased fruit often shrinks to dark brown to black and hangs on the tree trunk, resulting in spatial ulcer spots on the branches of the diseased plant. The fermented fruit caused by yeast will also appear in the fruit ripening period, and can further occur in the storage and transportation period. at the initial stage of the diseased fruit, there is no obvious symptom, only the local pericarp is slightly reddish, and the peeled part of the fruit turns red and the grain begins to rot. In the later stage, the whole fruit is rotten and full of reddish brown and wine-scented juice. Fruit rot caused by fruit cracking is often seen at the crack and forms molds of many colors.

2. The regularity of the disease

The fruit rot caused by brown rot mainly overwinters on diseased leaves, residual fruits and branches in mycelia or conidia. The pathogen spreads airflow, wind and rain from April to May next year, thus invading from stomata and wounds. In addition, insect pests, fruit cracking and high temperature and humidity environment will also aggravate the occurrence of diseases.

3. Prevention and control methods

Clear the garden in winter, scrape off the old bark of the trunk, remove the dead branches, residual leaves and diseased fruit in the pomegranate garden, and burn them centrally, Jiamusi and reduce the pathogen. Before overwintering, the trees, gardens and plants around the orchard should be sprayed with stone-sulfur mixture once, and 0.3% pentachlorophenol sodium can be added to improve the efficacy when the disease is serious. Mancozeb, propofol and bacilli can be sprayed on trees and plants around the garden in water season, and Guokangbao, internal therapy, Wuyimyimycin and antibiotic Smur921 can also be used to control them.

The above is the pomegranate fruit rot prevention and control methods, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.